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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Olawale Oladimeji Oladipo , a Nigerian student in U.S.A, KILLED!

Oladimeji Oladipo was a
kind hearted and
vivacious 25 year-old
student of the University of
Missouri in Kansas City,
majoring in Economics. He
had only two more semesters
to graduate with a
bachelor’s degree in
Friends and relatives said
that he was a faithful born
again Christian, who
followed the teachings of the
Bible with a passion. He was
already engaged in Nigeria
to his family approved
sweetheart, and had planned
to marry her right after
graduation on his return to
the motherland. But fate
would frustrate a well
coordinated projection of
On that fateful early
Tuesday morning, between
midnight and 3.30 am,
workers at McDonald fast
food restaurant discovered
the body of a man found dead
in the parking lot. The corpse
was later identified by
police to be the body of
Oladipo. Police have not yet
revealed how he was killed,
but they are investigating
the occurrence as homicide.
According to the family, he
left home a few blocks away.
But they don’t know how he
ended up at the destination
where he was found dead. He
was employed as Correction
Officer in Jackson County.
His goal was to save enough
money and return to Nigeria
in December, where his
fiancée was waiting for him
to get married. The police
are appealing for
information and anyone who
has any should call the TIPS
His family has opened a
memorial fund in his honor:
After he was killed about a
fortnight ago in Grandview,
Missouri, his remains were
interred at the Dwayne
Harvey funeral home
cemetery in Grandview.
His tragic death brought
together the perceived
polarized Nigerian
community, pouring out their
hearts during the funeral
service and prayer session
held on his behalf. There
were 25 eulogies, each one
representing each year of his
life as fitting
commemoration of the rising
star. His life was
prematurely ruined by an
unknown gunman or gunmen.
The editor of
Oladimeji Abitogun spoke
emotionally of the deceased
short-lived life that was
well spent. One of his
professors at the University
of Missouri described him as
extremely cultured and
respectful. Even though he
was in the US, he followed
and extended the courtesy of
the typical Yoruba culture by
prostrating to greet his
elders, regardless of the
occasion and the diversity of
people present.
He was a passionate
sportsman and ardent
football lover. His favorite
scripture displayed on a
plaque on his wall was: ‘For
God so loved the world that
he gave His only begotten
Kansas police are
meticulously trying to piece
together whether the death
was a gang related mafia or
one masterminded by
recalcitrant prisoners at the
prison correctional facility
where he was employed:
responsible for Oladipo’s
mysterious death. But there
are more questions than
answers at this point in the
progress of the
investigations. The deceased
is survived by a colony of
grieving and destabilized
extended family and a host
of friends.

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