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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sammie Denies Arrest.

According to the report, the
couple and another couple-
friend were at Jimmy
Chung's, a Chinese bar and
restaurant in Aberdeen Beach
Esplanade, which operates an
all-you-can-eat menu
featuring starters, main
courses and desserts when
the gospel star was angered
by a supposedly truculent
A statement from Sammie's
publicists, Media and
Marketing Experts, reads,
"They arrived at the
restaurant at exactly 4.30pm
in the evening oblivious that
lunch time closes by 5pm.

"One of the attendants, a
lady, who some Nigerians
described as very violent,
announced to them few
minutes later that they had
to rush their food and leave
the restaurant before 5pm
else they would be charged
for both lunch and dinner. At
this point, Sammie was
already dishing the food
while the rest were sorting
out where they would sit."
Sammie's shirt was
reportedly pulled by another
lady, a move that riled him
and he did not mince words
in expressing it.

Perhaps, fearing the
situation might degenerate,
the management of the
restaurant invited the police
who promptly arrested the
Globacom ambassador for
"swearing and uttering racial
remarks and acting in a
racially aggravated manner
at the restaurant."
In his reaction, the Wellu
Wellu crooner said, "It is
true they took us to the
police station without
listening to our own side of
the story, but we played
along with them as good and
law abiding citizens of

After the court in Aberdeen
did a thorough check on me
and on all the countries I had
visited, they said my record
is clean and impeccable. I
was released the next day
without making any official
statements. I don't regret my
actions for speaking up
against bad and rude
behaviour from the staff of
Jimmy Chung's and
defending my wife as a true
African man," he said. Okposo
is expected to return to
Aberdeen Sheriff Court in
When wil this RACIST ABUSE stop?

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