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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2011: President Jonathan on Wednesday morning declares presidential ambition

After months of speculation,
President Goodluck Jonathan
on Wednesday morning
declared his ambition to
contest the 2011 presidential
election on the platform of
the Peoples Democratic
In a 1,954 word posting on his
Facebook page titled,
�Declaration of Intent For
The 2011 Presidential Race,�
Jonathan said he would make
a formal declaration on
� I will by the special grace
of God be making a formal
declaration at the Eagle
Square in Abuja on Saturday,
� he said.
In the posting at 9.55am
Nigerian time (8.55am GMT,
Jonathan stated that he was
responding to pressure from
various quarters to continue
with the work of his
administration, stating that
he would �promise less and
do more.�
He said, �I confirm that
after wide and thorough
consultations spanning the
six geo-political zones that
make up Nigeria, with
members of my family, my
party, the opposition, civil
society, the Private Sector,
members of the labour
unions, religious leaders,
youths and student groups
and our revered traditional
institutions, I Goodluck Ebele
Jonathan by the grace of God
hereby offer myself and my
services to the Nigerian
people as a candidate for the
office of President in the
forthcoming 2011 elections.�

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