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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brave driver rescues kidnapped doctor

The proprietor of Mount
Gilead Hospital, Benin City,
Caleb Igbinehin yesterday
cheated a five-man gang of
kidnappers, as he was
miraculously rescued just 30
minutes after he was
kidnapped in the city.

The consultant family
physician, who operates one
of the leading private
hospitals in Edo State,
explained that he was at the
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
Witnesses at Odiase Street,
off Benin Technical School
Road, at about 9am, where he
served as the chairman of the
first service, a Public Talk,
when the drama started.

Mr Igbinehin said that after
the opening song and prayer,
he introduced the speaker
and stepped down from the
podium, only for him to be
accosted by an armed man
waving with a rifle, who
asked him to move out of the
prayer hall.
“Knowing what was
happening, I maintained my
composure and simply
complied with this
abductor’s order. He then
handed me to another man
armed with a pistol, who then
commanded me to climb a
waiting motorcycle outside
the Kingdom Hall,” Mr
Igbinehin said.

The doctor said that his
captors then sandwiched him
between two of their
members, while the other
three rode on another
motorcycle and sped off
through Ubgowo-Lagos Road
to Oluku, where they
diverted to Benin-Akure

“The moment we came out to
the major road, I was
surprised to see some people
shouting, ‘look at them, look
at them.’ But the men zoomed
off with me,” he said.
However, luck was on his
side, as the kidnappers were
pursued and the medical
practitioner rescued at

Bold driver

Isaac Opuama, the driver of
the doctor, who facilitated
the rescue of his boss, told
the rest of the story:

“I was with my director in
the Kingdom Hall when they
were taking him away. I
jumped into my KIA jeep and
drove after them. I went
through the major road and
caught up with the other
three kidnappers on the same
motorcycle at Ugbowo-Lagos
Road by Iguomorhe. I then hit
them several times with the
jeep from behind. They then
fell into a ditch. One of the
kidnappers was caught with
two guns by some men who
were nearby, while the other
two escaped.
“I then ran after the other
gang member, who carried my
director. I met up with them
at Oluku. To ensure that my
director is not injured, I
brushed the motorcycle by
the side, after which they
stopped and asked my
director to disembark and
ran away and I brought my
director back to the town.”

When DURUEKE 4ALL visited the
hospital, all the workers
were in a celebratory mood,
drinking, and dancing. The
ecstatic doctor could not
hide his joy, as he was full of
praises, thanking God for his
miraculous rescue from his
He also called on security
agencies and the media to
help bring an end to the cases
of kidnapping in the state.
Mr Igbinehin declined to have
his picture taken, citing
security reasons.

The acting police spokesman,
Awhara Ejiroro, said he has
not been officially briefed.
But as at the time of filing
this report, the arrested
kidnapper was in police
custody at the BDPA Estate
Police Station.

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