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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Annie Macaulay and Pero Adeniyi In Show Of Shame At Tuface ’s Concert.

Source at the Tuface’s
concert that took place at
the New Expo Hall at Eko
Hotels inform two of
2face ’s mistresses almost
tanted the success of 2face
Live in concert and it took
the timely intervention of
some individuals at the VIP
section of the concert ’s
after party held at Rehab
Nite Club, to avert a cat
fight that nearly ensued
between Anne Macaulay and
Pero Adeniyi.

Source told D U R U E K E 4 A L L News that
trouble started when Anne,
who came to the concert with
her mom and daughter, Eno
Idibia, went backstage to see
2face, not knowing that Pero,
mom of two of 2face’s other
kids, was also right there
with 2face in the VIP section
of the club.. Immediately
Pero sighted Anne, she made
attempt to bar the actress
from coming in. However, it
was said that Anne forced
her way in and shortly a
shouting match and muck
raking ensued.

The source said Pero threw
caution to the wind and
started hollering in Yoruba:
Ma she girl yi le ’se; E
fimisile ki n deal pelu girl yi.
(I will beat this girl; Leave
me let me deal with this
girl). But Sound Sultan, who
was beside 2Face, eventually
saved the day as he stopped
her from physically
attacking Anne.

However, another of 2Face’s
girlfriend, Sumbo Ajamba,
also at the concert and after
party was said to have
maintained her cool as the
ladies tore at each other.

The star has five children
from three women and he
said he will not abandon the
kids no matter what. The
three women were at the
concert jostling for his
attention which resulted in
the shouting match between
two of the ladies.



  2. nnaemeka is this the IT u were asked to go and go? not next year u will be looking for whom to copy his or her report may be u will write and defend tuface when u face IBEKWE and NWOSU

