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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Suspected Boko Haram members attack police station

Suspected members of the
Boko Haram sect on Monday
night attacked the Gamboru
Police Station in Borno State
capital, Maiduguri, leaving
four policemen injured.
The attack is coming amid
reports accusing the sect of
serial killings in Borno State.

A police officer in Maiduguri,
who spoke on condition of
anonymity, told the News
Agency of Nigeria that the
assailants used locally made
explosives in the raid.

``They started by launching
explosives at the station's
Charge Room before firing
shots at the officers on
duty,'' he said.
The source said two police
officers were injured by the
explosives, while another
two were hit by bullets fired
by the attackers.

He said the four officers had
been admitted at the
University of Maiduguri
Teaching Hospital for
medical attention.
Ibrahim Abdu, the
Commissioner of Police in
the state, confirmed the
attack, but declined to give
"The Assistant Inspector-
General of Police is in town;
he will brief you later,'' Mr
Abdu said.

In July 2009, members of the
sect, which is opposed to
Western education and wants
Shariah law enforced,
attacked a police station in
the state capital. During that
attack, five of them were
killed by soldiers deployed
to counter the insurgence,
while hundreds of others
were arrested and detained
in the Bauchi Prison.

The sect members carried out
a reprisal attack in
September 2010, during
which they torched the
prison, and killed a soldier, a
policeman, two prison
warders, and a civilian. They
also freed more than 750
inmates, most of whom were
their detained colleagues.

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