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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christian Owusu of Ghana Withdraws from MTN Project Fame West Africa Academy.

MTN Project Fame
West Africa Academy has
announced the withdrawal of
Christian Owusu from the
competition on health
grounds. The Ghanaian was
said to have bumped into
another contestant while
rehearsing for the weekend
performance. He became
dizzy and lost his sight
temporarily; after which he
was rushed to the hospital
where he regained his sight.
According to the producers of
the popular musical reality
show, Christian, a contender
for the ultimate prize, was
examined by the academy’s
medical team and was
advised to have a six-week
rest. According to head of the
medical team for the
academy, Wale Adeboje,
“Christian has been
diagnosed not to be fully fit
for the rest of the show,
although he is now in good
health, we have
recommended that he keeps
away from all forms of
rigorous activities for the
next six weeks so that he can
adequately recuperate.”
Christian left Lagos for
Ghana on Friday September
10, and is already back with
his family. It is expected that
he’ll get further treatment
with the support of the
academy. In a related
development, Adebola has
become the last person to be
evicted from the academy;
leaving six contestants in the
house. The show is expected
to end in a few weeks time.

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