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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Nigeria – Mike Adenuga’s
Globacom is currently
getting unpleasant
treatment in Ghana as
things are not looking rosy
for the newly set up
telecommunication. The
firm who began
operations in Ghana in
December 2009 has been
facing willful damage and
sabotage of her
advertisement structures
like billboards, light boxes
and others as well as
restrictions on erection of
masts. Its quite obvious
that the reason for the
vandalization is one-fold;
to make Globacom quit.
And the unanswered
question is; who are those
behind this unmitigated
The speculations around is
that, some Telecom
operators with less
subscribers in Ghana must
have been scared of losing
them out to the newly set
up telecoms, Globacom.

This act of vandalization
has intensified, as it has
been confirmed that the
saboteurs gets kickback
for their actions. As a
result of these, Glo had
sensed that the sabotage
is a foretaste of what was
to come, and the best
decision is to withdraw her
operation in Ghana when
one of her senior officials
disclosed “the frustrations
are getting out of control.
We have considered
pulling out ”.
Glo’s exit might be a big
loss both ways to the
country and Wale
Adenuga as Globacom
already has set up offices
around the country and
some of these are fully
furnished. It would not be
in the interest of Glo to
pull out of Ghana at this
stage. So far, Glo had
pumped millions of dollar
into Ghana ’s local football
league, which is tagged
“ Glo premier league”, Glo
then followed it up with
sponsoring and supporting
Ghana national team as
well as the Ghana national
supporters union. It was
revealed that the
Ghanaian government had
never received such level
of support from any of the
existing telecom
So far, these were some
of the problems faced by
Globacom Ghana; The
national communication
authority ’s encroachment
on the frequency
allocated to Glo, The
sabotage of Globacom’s
billboards, light boxes,
lamp post signs geared
towards launching of the
company ’s full operation.
As at February 2010, more
than 12 light boxes placed
around the airport traffic
light median were
destroyed. Last month,
more than 14 light boxes
were destroyed in accra.
The Ghanaian government
had done nothing to
protect the telecoms from
these unlawful acts.
The late approval of the
GSM licence to be
awarded to Glo by the
national communications
authority (NCA).
The National
environmental protection
agency placed ban on the
erection of mast in some
major areas, which
affected Glo adversely
since Glo is the only newly
set up telecom operator in
the country.
Globacom Ghana, the
sixth telecom in the
country is competing with
other telecom operators
such as MTN, Tigo,
Vodafone, Zain and
Kasapa (arranged based
on the number of
subscribers). None of the
old telecom operators
experienced such kind of
Glo-like problems.

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