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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Samsung Electronics
Company, a global leader in
telecommunications and
digital media, has
inaugurated world's first
available full High
Definition 3D LED Television
and other full 3D home
entertainment products for
consumers in Nigeria.
The Managing Director,
Samsung Electronics West
Africa, Mr. Shin Jin UK, in a
statement on Monday, said,
"Samsung is committed to
leading the market by
deploying new categories of
entertainment like full HD
3D LED TVs on which
consumers around the world
will be able to enjoy their
favourite content.

"With the widest range of
options for 3D home
solutions ever, Samsung
continues to lead the home
entertainment industry by
liberating 2D content to 3D,
and creating new, immersive
experiences for consumers.
"It is an incredibly exciting
time for the industry at large
as we continue to see the
proliferation of 3D in
theatres globally at
unprecedented rates and
now, thanks to Samsung's
innovation leading the
charge, the capability to
deliver a truly premium 3D
experience for consumers in
their homes."

The General Manager, Sims
Nigeria Limited, Mr. Ike
Eyisi , the distributor of the
products in Nigeria, noted
that what set the products
apart from others was the
ingenuity of the designs,
superior technology and
competitive prices.
The 3D TV lineup includes the
LED 7000/8000/9000 series,
LCD 750 series and the
Plasma 7000/8000 series.

UNILORIN is Ranked 1st in Nigeria and 31st in Africa.

THE University of Ilorin
(Unilorin) has, again, come
first among Nigerian
universities by international
According to the latest
edition of the Webometrics
ranking web of world
universities, Unilorin
emerged 31st in Africa,
having scaled down some 24
other African universities
that ranked above it in

While only two Nigerian
universities were listed
among the best 100 in Africa
in 2008, five universities
made the list in 2009, with
the University of Ilorin being
77th in Africa and second in
By February, the university
became first in Nigeria and
55th in Africa, with the total
number of Nigerian
universities in the best 100
remaining five.

The current ranking indicates
that the Nigerian university
system has improved
significantly, with 16
universities listed in the
best 100 in Africa and among
the first globally
competitive universities.
Meanwhile, the registrar of
the university, Mrs Olufolake
Oyeyemi, has said over
20,000 candidates are
waiting to replace any
member of staff that is not

The registrar, who was
represented by the deputy
registrar, establishment, Mr
Emmanuel Obafemi, said this
during a meeting with
administrative, executive
and secretarial staff of the
According to her, some
workers of the the university
spent few hours at work
daily, while others were in
the habit of reporting late to

She said more than 20,000
applicants responded to the
recent advertisement
published by the university,
while warning those with bad
attitude in the institution to

Soludo DENIES ever disrupting Akunyili's Sister Burial.

The politics of ego between
former Central Bank
Governor, Chukwuma Soludo,
and Information and
Communications Minister,
Dora Akunyili, got messier on
Monday with the disclosure
by Soludo that she had failed
to persuade the late
President Umaru Yar’Adua to
anoint her the consensus
candidate in the Anambra
State Governorship poll on
February 6.

This is why the woman is
fighting me, he alleged.
Soludo also narrated how
Akunyili and Turai Yar’Adua
fell out after the former
First Lady refused to
influence her husband to
‘anoint’ her the candidate
of the Peoples Democratic
Party (PDP), a ticket 47
people vied for.
A statement issued by
Soludo’s Media Assistant,
Bonaventure Melah, said
Akunyili was the clandestine
“48th aspirant” who did not
have the courage to resign
her job as Minister and face
the people through the

“She rather devoted all her
energies to lobbying
(Yar’Adua) to appoint her as
‘the consensus candidate’ –
and there are several
witnesses and evidence to
this fact.
“Since she lost the
nomination to Soludo, she has
never spared any opportunity
to vent her bitterness. Most
politicians know that Dora
has negative electoral value
in Anambra and cannot
‘make’ a Councillor let
alone a legislator.
“Indeed, Dora knows that any
candidate who publicly
associates with her will lose
election in Anambra. To
ascribe to herself any
influence whatsoever in the
making of a Governor smacks
of a huge dose of delusion!”
Soludo said he was reacting
to the “outlandish and
childish accusations”
levelled by Akunyili that his
thugs prevented her from
attending her sister’s
funeral and also followed
her to her father’s village in

She alleged that Soludo was
probably angry with her
because she could not make
him Anambra Governor.
He noted that while her
intention could be her usual
“infantile propaganda,” the
allegations are weighty
enough to warrant a
He said the aspect of
Akunyili’s allegations that
sounded childish was the
futile attempt to link the
Governorship election to her
imaginary threats.
The statement added: “It
should be noted that Dora
Akunyili’s allegations were
made at a ‘press
conference’ called several
days after the burial/
funeral ceremonies.

“Is it not curious that (she)
who attended the burial/
funeral with blaring sirens
and a horde of heavily armed
policemen and SSS (State
Security Service) personnel
would be attacked by ‘thugs’
who also chased her to her
village, and to date, there
has been no formal report of
the incidents or threats in
any police station, and there
was no arrest of any of the
“We only read about ‘thugs’
on the pages of newspapers.
Or, was Dora Akunyili
referring to the over 8,000
guests and politicians from
all the 21 local government
areas in Anambra who came
to condole with Soludo as the
PDP flag bearer in Anambra
as thugs?”
Soludo said it is recorded on
tape that Akunyili praised
him in church for taking care
of her sister and announced
that all those who had come
for her and her family would
be entertained at her
father’s compound in Nanka.
“Were the thugs chasing her
before or after the praises
and announcement at the
church service? From the
church, she joined the
thousands of people to walk
all the way to the sister’s
compound and personally
observed the burial.
“After that, she again
personally caused a public
announcement to be made to
the effect that her guests
should follow her to Nanka
(as the custom demands).

“There is a video tape of her
activities, with her
acknowledging greetings
after the burial until she
entered her car. When did
the thugs come in and only
Dora Akunyili (out of the
thousands that attended)
saw them? You can fool some
people some of the time but
never all the people all the
According to Soludo, what
makes the allegation
laughable is that one of his
major contributions to
Anambra and Nigerian
politics is his insistence on
non-violence and absence of

He said it is on record that
during the Governorship
vote, about 400 thugs were
arrested and none was from
the PDP, which is the new
politics he is spearheading.
“Furthermore, to imagine
that Soludo who was deeply
mourning the death of his
beloved mother- in-law
(whom he described as his
own mother) would organise
thugs to disrupt the funeral
which he personally
organised says volumes
about how far Dora’s fertile
mind could go in concocting
imaginary threats.

“Anyway, Nigerians are used
to the crocodile tears and
faked threats – all in
attempts to woo public
sympathy. Dora is taking her
propagandist skills rather
too far!”
Soludo alleged that Akunyili
knows more than she is
willing to tell the public,
knows about her age-long
quarrels “as usual” with
members of her family and
her elder sister.
He said her age-long
quarrels with her late sister
are also public knowledge,
and that her late sister
personally told her stories to
lots of people in Anambra
several years back.

“They had nothing to do with
neither Soludo nor the 2010
elections. Dora did not talk
about her desperate attempts
to disrupt the burial/funeral
by attempting to organise a
parallel funeral site beside
her sister’s compound
(which is an abomination).
“She did not talk about the
fact that the traditional
ruler, the community and her
own kindred resisted her
abominable act, reported in
Tribune and Daily
Independent on July 17.”
Soludo said he is aware that
“she decided to concoct the
stories and go on the
offensive after the
newspaper reports clearly
indicted her.

The-Dream's Divorce Request, turned down by Christiana Milan.

While The-Dream was trying
to hammer out a settlement,
Christina Milian was thinking
they were getting back

The singer and her producer
hubby "subsequently
reconciled and had marital
relations on numerous
occasions" after he served
her with divorce papers in
February, "just days" before
she gave birth to their
daughter, Milian states in her
official response, filed July
16 in Fulton County, Ga.,
Superior Court.
Thank God 4d unity.


THEY look like friends who
met at nursery school but
Kaydon and Layton
Richardson are in fact twin
brothers with different-
coloured skin. The twins' mother, 32-year-old Kerry, is of English-
Nigerian heritage.

The boys celebrated their
fourth birthday in the same
week Nigerian couple, Ben
and Angela Ihegboro,
revealed their white daughter Nmachi to the world. The genetic quirks make the children "two-in-a-million" rarities that have fascinated doctors. After hearing of the Ihegboro family's incredible baby news, Kaydon and Layton's
mother, Kerry, said skin
colour had been on her mind
when giving birth to
daughter Tiyannah recently.

"I thought it was crazy. As
much as it happened to me,
the twins' dad is white, so
for it to happen to a black
couple seems even stranger,"
she said. "When I was carrying
Tiyannah I was wondering
what colour she was going to
be. "Before the twins I would
have expected that any child
of mine would have my
colour in them. "But after Layton I wasn't sure what she was going to
look like.

"When she was born she
looked as though she was
going to go dark but at about
two weeks old it was clear
she was white. "I was a little surprised as I thought Layton was a one-off. "Doctors can tell you what sex your baby is going to be
but they can't tell you what
colour!' Kerry also fears the twins
will stand out when they
start primary school in

She said: "It's never been an
issue up to now but I know
that Layton notices the
difference in their colour.
"I've tried to explain it to
them in the past but last year
we were in an airport in
America when Layton
shouted, "Mum, am I white
like my dad and Kaydon's
black like you?".

'That was the first time he
had said that but everyone
thought it was very funny.
"I hope it's not going to be a
problem when they start
school but kids can be cruel."
God wil provide 4me!

Rihanna set to Debut in a Hollywood movie, to be released........

The 22-year-old pop-R&B star
has signed on to make her
feature-film debut in the
action flick, which, as it
sounds, is inspired by the
classic Hasbro board game,
her rep confirms to E! News.
While the songstress'
soundtrack credits on IMDb
are many, she's yet to appear
as anyone but herself on TV,
let alone the big screen.

But at least Rihanna's got a
seaworthy cast and crew
behind her, including Friday
Night Lights hunk Taylor
Kitsch and True Blood hottie
Alexander SkarsgÄrd as
brothers who end up leading
the fight for their planet's
survival against an
otherworldly force.

Hancock helmer Peter Berg is
attached to direct with an
eye on a May 25, 2012,
release date.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sammie Denies Arrest.

According to the report, the
couple and another couple-
friend were at Jimmy
Chung's, a Chinese bar and
restaurant in Aberdeen Beach
Esplanade, which operates an
all-you-can-eat menu
featuring starters, main
courses and desserts when
the gospel star was angered
by a supposedly truculent
A statement from Sammie's
publicists, Media and
Marketing Experts, reads,
"They arrived at the
restaurant at exactly 4.30pm
in the evening oblivious that
lunch time closes by 5pm.

"One of the attendants, a
lady, who some Nigerians
described as very violent,
announced to them few
minutes later that they had
to rush their food and leave
the restaurant before 5pm
else they would be charged
for both lunch and dinner. At
this point, Sammie was
already dishing the food
while the rest were sorting
out where they would sit."
Sammie's shirt was
reportedly pulled by another
lady, a move that riled him
and he did not mince words
in expressing it.

Perhaps, fearing the
situation might degenerate,
the management of the
restaurant invited the police
who promptly arrested the
Globacom ambassador for
"swearing and uttering racial
remarks and acting in a
racially aggravated manner
at the restaurant."
In his reaction, the Wellu
Wellu crooner said, "It is
true they took us to the
police station without
listening to our own side of
the story, but we played
along with them as good and
law abiding citizens of

After the court in Aberdeen
did a thorough check on me
and on all the countries I had
visited, they said my record
is clean and impeccable. I
was released the next day
without making any official
statements. I don't regret my
actions for speaking up
against bad and rude
behaviour from the staff of
Jimmy Chung's and
defending my wife as a true
African man," he said. Okposo
is expected to return to
Aberdeen Sheriff Court in
When wil this RACIST ABUSE stop?

Lars out, Sia1 in as Eagles New coach

Lagerback’s five months
contract as Super Eagles’
coach expires at the end of
this month and the NFF and
the PTF who picked his bill
were impressed with his
performance at the World
Cup and were ready to offer
him a four-year deal to
rebuild the Eagles but the
Sweden’s former manager,
who returned to his native
land after the shameful exit
of the Eagles, said he was
not interested.

Acting President of the NFF,
Alhaji Aminu Maigari, told
Daily Sunsport that
Lagerback after several
attempts to speak with him
finally called to inform him
that he was sorry to reject
the offer. “Lagerback has
told me that he could not
continue as the coach of
Super Eagles because he
feared that he might not be
able to sign a four-year deal
that would keep him in
Nigeria for that long. He
thanked the NFF for the
opportunity given him to
take the Eagles to the World

“He said that the experience
was worth it and that he
would always remember
Nigeria and her good people.
He also said that family
opinion also made him turn
down the job and wished
Eagles well”, Alhaji Maigari

The NFF boss stated further
that Lagerback also
regretted his inability to
come down to Nigeria to say
a final goodbye and that he
would send his technical
report to the secretariat
through the internet next
week Alhaji Maigari also disclosed
that following the exit of
Lagerback that the NFF board
has decided to offer Samson
Siasia the job to tinker the
Super Eagles for the next
four years as chief coach.
“We have had talks with
Siasia and I must tell you
that it was fruitful and all
things being equal, he would
put pen on paper next month
subject to negotiation.
Siasia is the coach Nigerians
want and we shall give him
all the support to succeed in
this new job” Maigari

The finance committee’s
former chairman of the NFF
said that Eguavoen Austin
would lead the Eagles to
South Korea for the friendly
after which he would take
charge of the Under-23
squad, while Siasia would be
in charge of the Eagles in the
Nations Cup qualifying
match against Madagascar in
We wish him all d best!

Monday, July 19, 2010

"How we were released" By THE ABDUCTED JOURNALITS

Contrary to ealier reports
that the police rescued the
four abducted journalists,
kidnapped a week ago at
Umuafouka junction, in
Obingwa Local Government
Council of Abia State, facts
emanating from the state
revealed that the journalists
were released by their
abductors in the early hours
of today.
Wahab Oba and his
colleagues after thier
release today, in Umuahia
According to eyewitnesses,
the released journalists
were looking disheveld and
unkept with some of them
wearing bathroom slippers.
They were said to have been
fed on bread and water as
they were moved from one
location to the other, in the
forest during their captivity.

The released quartet of
Wahab Oba, Lagos council
Chairman of the Nigeria
Union of Journalists,(NUJ)
Adolphus Okonkwo, Zonal
secretary of the union, Sylva
Okereke, Assistant Secretary,
Lagos Council, Shola Oyeyipo,
member NUJ and their
driver, Azeez Abdulrauf are
awaiting the return of
Governor Theodore Orji, who
was said to be away in Abuja.
However, there are
indications, that the
journalists may have met
with the Inspector General of
Police, Ogbonna Onovo.
Wahab Oba addressing the
press today in Umuhia.

The journalists said that
they were not tortured by
their abductors who blamed
lack of development,
unemployment and injustice
in the polity for their action.

Nigerian police arrests Doctor for selling a new born baby (#35,000).

MEN of the Ogun State police
command have nabbed a
syndicate who sold a day-old
baby for N35,000 in a deal
that was masterminded by
the operator of an
unregistered maternity home
in Ogere Remo.

The doctor and those who
aided him were now helping
the police in unravelling the
mystery surrounding the
disappearance of a baby born
in the maternity on June 18
and declared missing the
following day. Nigerian Tribune gathered that the baby, delivered by Mrs Omotayo Badmus, was
said to have fallen sick and
needed to be taken to the
Olabisi Onabanjo Teaching
Hospital (OOUTH), Sagamu, for treatment on June 19.

The mother of the baby was
accompanied on the trip by
two of the nurses from the
maternity home. The mother was said to have left the baby in the custody of the two nurses to look for N5,000 demanded as deposit
in OOUTH, but when she got
back to the hospital, the
nurses had disappeared with
her baby. She returned to the
maternity in Ogere, thinking
that the nurses had paid for
the treatment, only to be told
that the whereabouts of the
baby was unknown.
A source told the Nigerian

Tribune that the doctor told
the woman that the baby had
died, a statement that
elicited a demand for the
corpse, which could not be
The case was reported at the
divisional police headquarters in Ogere, weeks after the syndicate had tried to sweep the case under thecarpet.

When quizzed, the doctor,
whose competence had been
called to question by his
inability to produce
certificates of registration
and practice, told the police
that the mother of the baby
had confided in him that her
husband was not responsible
for the baby and solicited his
assistance in concealing the
secret. The doctor said he, therefore, contacted another maternity home, also in Ogere, for a link to a motherless babies' home, following which the baby was taken to Ibafo and the doctor given N35,000 for his services.

Efforts to get further
confirmation from the state
Police Public Relations
Officer (PPRO), Mr Muyiwa
Adejobi, were unsuccessful,
as he told the Nigerian
Tribune that he was in a
meeting with the state
commissioner of police,
while the text message sent
afterward was unanswered.
Nawa ooo!

"Varginal gel cuts HIV infections by half" By RESEARCHERS.

A microbicidal vaginal gel
has significantly cut the rate
of women contracting HIV
from infected partners in an
experiment in South Africa.

The gel, containing the Aids
drug tenofovir, cut infection
rates by 50% after one year
of use, and by 39% after two
and a half years, researchers
If the results are confirmed
it would be the first time
that a microbicidal gel has
been shown to be effective.
Such a gel could be a defence
for women whose partners
refuse to wear condoms.
New ways of curbing the
spread of HIV are badly
needed, particularly in sub-
Saharan Africa, where nearly
60% of those infected with
the virus are women.

Many women are often
forced to take part in unsafe
sex, and are biologically
more vulnerable to HIV
infection than men, making a
gel they apply an attractive
Welcoming the results, UN
agencies said they would
convene an expert
consultation in South Africa
next month to discuss the
next steps with the product.
'Just pennies'
The results of the three-year
study, which was completed
by the Centre for the Aids
Programme of Research in
South Africa (Caprisa), are
being presented at an
international aids
conference in Vienna and
were published on Monday by
the US magazine Science.

The gel was found to be both
safe and acceptable when
used once in the 12 hours
before sex and once in the 12
hours after sex by women
aged 18 to 40 years.
Salim Abdool Karim, one of
the two leading co-
researchers, told reporters
in Vienna that the 889 women
involved in the trial,
conducted in the coastal city
of Durban and a remote rural
village, had largely used the
gel as directed.
They were also given
condoms and advice about
sexually transmitted
diseases, and tested for HIV
once a month.
After 30 months, 98 women
became infected with HIV -
38 in the group that got
tenofovir in the gel and 60 in
the group that got placebos.
"We showed a 39% lower
incidence of HIV in the
tenofovir group," Dr Karim

Tenofovir, he added, lowered
the risk of infection by 50%
at 12 months but then the
efficacy declined.
Women who used the gel
more consistently were much
less likely to be infected, he
He added that he did not
know how much each dose
would cost but said the
applicators and gel cost "just
"Boy, have we been doing the
happy dance," Dr Karim, from
the University of KwaZulu-
Natal in Durban, said.
'Hope for women'
"It's the first time we've
ever seen any microbicide
give a positive result that
you could say was
statistically significant,"
said Dr Anthony Fauci,
director of the National
Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases.

The researchers say women
who used the gel also showed
a significant reduction in
genital herpes, a common
sexually transmitted infection, which itself increases the risk of HIV infection. The UN's HIV/Aids agency noted that nearly 20 years of research had gone into microbicides that can be
controlled by a woman,
independent of her partner.
"We are giving hope to
women," said Mr Michel
Sidibe, executive director of
UNAids. "For the first time we have seen results for a woman-
initiated and controlled HIV
prevention option."
A microbicide, he said, would
be a "powerful option for the
prevention revolution and
help us break the trajectory
of the Aids epidemic".
Dr Margaret Chan, director-
general of the World Health
Organization, welcomed
Caprisa's findings.
"We look forward in seeing
these results confirmed," she

"Once they have been shown
to be safe and effective,
WHO will work with
countries and partners to
accelerate access to these
products." Scientists say vaginal
gel cuts HIV-infections by half Women in the trial are said to have used the gel largely as directed Related stories Aids 'key cause of female death' African young 'change sex habits' Analysis An easy-to-use microbicidal gel proven to significantly reduce the risk of HIV
infection would be a very
important breakthrough in
the fight to control the
spread of HIV/Aids.

The best way to minimise the
risk of infection during sex is
to use a condom - but this is
not an option for many
women around the world who
find it difficult to insist that
a man take the necessary

As a result, women have
become particularly
vulnerable to infection in
recent years and in Sub-
Saharan Africa, where the
Aids pandemic is most
severe, they make up nearly
60% of those who are
infected with the virus.
To compound the problem,
science has shown that
women are biologically more
at risk of infection than men.
An effective gel would
finally give women the
chance to do something to
protect themselves from
infection - to take control of
their own sexual health.
However, several earlier
trials have produced
disappointing results, and
even the results of the latest
trial - impressive though
they are - underline that a
gel is far from a fail-safe
form of protection.
But provided a gel could be
made widely accessible to
women in some of the
world's poorest countries,
where it is needed the most,
it could help to transform
many lives for the better.

Sammie Okposo ARRESTED!

Sammie Okposo who
recently got married was
arrested in Aberdeen and
charged with making
racist comments while he
was on honeymoon in the
Granite City, Scotland.
Sammie, as reported by
Scottish Evening Express,
“ was alleged to have
acted in a racially
aggravated manner at
Jimmy Chung ’s on
Aberdeen’s Beach
Esplanade on Wednesday.

Okposo was alleged to
have caused alarm or
distress to Ronny Shui
Hung Yung by shouting,
swearing and uttering
racial remarks at the
Aberdeen restaurant.”
The gospel singer denied
the charges. He has been
released on bail and
expected to return to
Aberdeen Sheriff Court
in September.
God help Okposo!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NOLLYWOOD: Actress Toun Oni, Is DEAD!

.....she dies at the age of 67-year-old.

The Nigerian entertainment
industry was suddenly plunged
into mourning on Wednesday
as a result of the death of
veteran TV actress Toun Oni
in Lagos.

Shortly after she gave up the
ghost, newspaper reports
quoted Madam Oni's son as
saying that she died on her
way to the hospital. "She
complained about not feeling
too well. She
felt very weak so we had to
rush her to the St. Paul's
Hospital, Ebute-Metta, but she passed away before we
arrived there," her son, Toyin
Oni, told a daily newspaper
published today."We were
rushing her to the hospital
from our Ajah home," he said.
Life & Beat gathered that the body of the late actress has
since been taken to St. Paul's
Hospital morgue. Funeral
arrangements are currently
being made by the family at
the family house, 66a Brick
Field Street, Ebute Metta,

The National President of the
Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN,
Segun Arinze, described the
demise of the popular actress
as a sad development.
"The news came as a big
shock to me and it is quite
painful. I spoke with her son
and he told me that she died
after complaining of
headache. Toun Oni is not just
one of the most talented
actresses we had, she was a
role model to many people,"
Arinze said, adding that AGN
will make plans to immortalise her.
May her gentle soul R.I.P!

FIFA 2010 WC: Spain clinched Title.

........while Diego Forlan and Tomas MĂŒller, won the Golden Ball and Golden Boot awards respectively.

Spain are champions of the world [for the 1st time], after Andres Iniesta's
goal deep into extra-time [116th minutes] gave
them victory
over Netherlands in the World
Cup final at Soccer City after a goalless first 105 minutes.

Iniesta netted as Spain broke
to punish 10-man Holland after John Heitinga's sending-off
seven minutes earlier.

Uruguay striker Diego Forlan
was named the winner of the
Golden Ball as the best player
of the World Cup. The Atletico Madrid forward,
31, scored five goals and was
a major influence as his team unexpectedly reached the
semi-finals in South Africa.

German Thomas Mueller, who
also scored five, was named
by Fifa as the best young
player of the tournament.
Mueller, 20, also won the
Golden Boot for most goals -
his three assists acting as a
The German thus beat Forlan,
Spain's David Villa and Wesley
Sneijder of the Netherlands to
the coveted prize.
Bayern Munich ace Mueller
saw off Mexico's Giovani Dos
Santos and Ghana's Andre
Ayew for the young player

Forlan finished top of a Fifa
shortlist for his award
following a vote by international media.
The former Manchester
United player polled 23.4% of
the vote, narrowly beating
Dutch playmaker Sneijder -
second with 21.8% - while Villa was third.

Meanwhile, Spain goalkeeper
Iker Casillas - who twice
denied Arjen Robben of the
Netherlands with the score at
0-0 in the World Cup final -
won the Golden Glove award
for being the best keeper at
the tournament.
Casillas conceded only two
goals in seven matches.
Congratulations to all the players and fans.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Man Robbed & Raped a Family.

A 27-year-old man has been
arrested by the Oyo State
Police Command for allegedly
robbing a family and raping
three sisters.

The suspect, identified simply
as Segun, was said to have
invaded his victims' residence
in Orogun area of Ibadan, the
state capital with a member
of his robbery gang currently
at large.

The two were said to have
forcibly entered the house at
about 5am on June 24, 2010,
armed with cutlasses.
Having gained access into the
apartment, the suspects were
said to have robbed the family of valuables including money,
telephone handsets and
jewellery among other items.
Unknown to the suspects,
however, while the operation
was going on, some
neighbours who were aware
of the incident quickly alerted
the command headquarters to
the incident and a patrol team
was dispatched to the scene.
Obviously unaware of the
arrival of policemen, Segun,
not satisfied with their loot,
reportedly started raping the three daughters of the family
one after the other.
He reportedly raped the ladies
- a set of twins and their
sister- in the full glare of their
helpless parents.

By the time the policemen led
by the Divisional Crime
Officer, Mr. Busari Kabiru,
arrived on the scene, they met
the suspect pants down on one
of the ladies while his
accomplice quickly fled from
the scene. He was arrested
Confirming the incident, the
state Commissioner of Police,
Mr. Adisa Bolanta, said that efforts were on to track down
Segun's fleeing accomplice.
Bolanta assured residents of
the state that his command
would leave no stone
unturned to ensure safety of
lives and property.

He further urged members of
the public to assist the police
in fighting crime by reporting
suspicious movements around
their areas at the nearest
police station.

What is 9ja turning into?

No WEST HAM UTD for Vincent Enyeama.

THE chances of Vincent
Enyeama making a summer
move to West Ham United of
England may not come true
after all, following reports
that The Hammers are now
considering changing their
mind on an earlier decision to eject England goalkeeper,
Robert Green.
The initial talk out of Upton
Park was that Green was
heading for the chop,
following poor form towards
the end of last season and a
howler in action against USA
at the World Cup, but talk
about Enyeama arriving from
Hapoel Tel Aviv of Israel has
all of a sudden become
lukewarm, with the prospects
of any move for the Super
Eagles star reducing rapidly.

In contrast with the buzz that
heralded Enyeama's
performances at the World
Cup, those heroics may not be good enough to sway a move
for him to The Hammers, as
West Ham co-owner, David
Sullivan, insists that Green is
still very much part of their
Sullivan previously said Scott Parker was the only West
Ham player who was not for
sale, giving credence for
Enyeama arriving in place of
Green, but the co-owner now
insists that they have no plans
to sell the England
international shot-stopper.

"I hope Robert does have a
long-term future at West
Ham. We've got a fantastic
new goalkeeping coach, David
Coles, who has joined from
Portsmouth, who I think will
improve him dramatically.

You're never too old to learn
and I think he'll learn a lot,"
Sullivan stated.

42-year-old man Charged to COURT for defiling a 13-year-old girl.

A 42-year-old truck driver,
Aloy Onu, was, on Thursday,
brought before an Ebute Meta
Magistrate's Court in Lagos
for allegedly abducting and
defiling a 13-year-old girl.
Charged with a one-count
offence of having an unlawful
carnal knowledge with a minor, the accused, however,
pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor, Inspector
Moses Uademevbo, stated
that the accused committed
the offence on June 15 at Iddo,
Lagos Mainland.
He told the court that the girl ran away from her sister's
home to rejoin her parents
and was in the process,
abducted by the accused.

"After abducting and having
sex with the girl for one week,
the accused promised to take
her to her parents' house,
which he failed to do,"
Uademevbo said.
He said the offence
contravened Section 218 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Lagos
State and punishable with life

The magistrate, Mr M.O.
Olubi, granted the accused
bail in the sum of N200, 000 in
addition to two sureties in like

He adjourned the case till July
26 for further hearing.

*Nawa oooo!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Terry G Wanted By The Nigerian Police.......y?

From time to time, news of
artistes defaulting on
performance agreement filter
in and when they (indicted
artistes) are contacted by the
press over such matters, they
manage to defend themselves.

Only last month, pop singer
D ’banj’s manager; Sunday Are
exonerated his act in one of
such allegations involving
Now, the baton’s swinging in
marijuana-smoking, talented
producer turned artiste- Terry
G ’s direction.

The young man
accorded with production
credits for hits like ‘Aiye Po
gan’, ‘Pass me your love‘ and
Free me now (which he sang),
has been accused of fleeing
with the sum of N500, 000,
being payment for his
performance at a graduation
party at the University of

The money was allegedly paid
directly to the producer
himself by Cyril Emiko son of
Surveyor G.T Emiko for special
guest appearance at Cyril ’s
graduation party which held
on the 29th of January this
year. In addition to the
performance fee, Terry
allegedly collected money for five return tickets for his
travel party.
The party was publicised all
over the campus.
Hotel rooms
were allegedly booked and
vehicles made available to
convey the artiste and his
crew when he arrived. Cyril
was disappointed and aghast
when the artiste refused to
show up without reason and
has received no refund ( as at
press time).
Hence, it was a furious father
who called up Dele Abiodun;
the president of Performing
Musicians Association of
Nigeria (PMAN), this week, to
lodge complain.

Unfortunately, Terry G is not a
member of PMAN and the
aggrieved father, Surveyor
Emiko – who sponsored the
party with the sum of N750,
000, is threatening to get the
police involved and possibly go
to court over the loss.

When a call was placed
through to the artiste ’s mobile
phone, the receiver who said he was Terry G ’s Personal
Assistant said, ‘Are you the
only one that does not know
that Terry G is out of the
country? Have a good day,
gentleman ’. And the line went

Terry G, y?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

MUSIC: Jezzy jagz, D'prince and Wizkid

Here is a sweet tune by
D ’Prince, Jesse Jagz and Wiz
Kid! According to a Mo’hits
insider, it does not belong to
any one artiste and was
created for the fans to show
Solid performance by all three

I think D ’Prince will silence all doubters on this
track.Yes? ‘Who no know me Omoba\Abi
Dem wan Jones o\Who am
Who am I not Indiana Jones o…
It’s a jonzin world 2x…’
Another wicked combination!
Download and enjoy this song.

2face Idibia To Perform With Shakira @.....

......Waka waka + Implications, to close FIFA 2010 WC.

WAKA Waka, one of the
World Cup anthems, will
reverberate through Soccer
City on Sunday afternoon as
the curtain comes down on
Africa ’s first ever soccer
Apart from the 500 million
people expected to watch the
ceremony, more than 14
heads of state, royalty,
celebrities and Africa ’s
liberation icons will witness an
awe-inspiring display of colour
and fireworks.

The Soccer City gates open at
2.30pm – six hours before
kickoff of the World Cup final
at 8.30pm.
The 30-minute ceremony will
be broadcast to a global
audience of about 500 million.
Colombian superstar Shakira
and FreshlyGround will lead
the audience in song.

Waka Waka – the catchy tune
first performed at the kickoff
concert on June 10, has topped
the global music charts in 15
countries and was the most
watched video on the Internet
last month , with more than 70
million hits on You Tube.
Grammy Award winners
Ladysmith Black Mambazo,
Jozi, Stoan Seate, Slikour,
Zuluboy and Nigerian R&B
singer, 2Face, have been lined
up to perform.

Unlike the opening ceremony,
which celebrated Africa ’s
humanity and natural
surroundings in the form of a
dribbling dung beetle, the
closing ceremony promises to
be technologically advanced.
A fireworks display, smaller in scale to the mammoth
orchestration witnessed during
the opening and closing of the
Beijing Olympics, will be on
show after the ceremonial
performances as well as the
final match presentations.

LOC chief marketing officer
Derek Catstens said: “While
the opening ceremony was
more traditional in order to do
justice to Africa ’s heritage,
the closing ceremony will
have contemporary and
youthful themes.
We sing .....tamuna muna eh eh waka waka eh eh....!


Tuface Ft Shakira.....what do you think?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Deola Sagoe's Nipple flips out during African Fashion Week......ooooops!

Africa Fashion Weeks took
place from June 30 – July 3
2010 at the Sandton
Convention Centre, South
Africa and Established South African fashion-world heavy-
weights including Marianne
Fassler, Errol Arendz, Stoned
Cherrie and David Tlale
alongside global talents like
Deola Sagoe (fresh from New
York Fashion Week) and
current celeb-favourite
Laquan Smith came with their
recent collections.

Xuly Bet, the Paris-based go-
to label for many celebrities,
including Grace Jones, Lauryn
Hill and Neneh Cherry, opened this years’ Africa
Fashion Week and several
other designers.
---------------------- Nawa oooo!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


........court sentences Her to 90 days in prison.

A judge sentenced Lindsay Lohan on Tuesday to 90 days in jail and an inpatient rehab program after finding the actress had violated the terms of her probation in a 2007 drug case.

The actress immediately

burst into tears after the ruling. Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel issued the sentence after listening to testimony from employees of an alcohol treatment program that Lohan had been ordered to attend.

Lohan missed seven classes since December, which led to the judge's harsh rebuke of Lohan moments after the " Mean Girls " star offered a tearful apology.

So sooorry!

the FIGHT is on


When Kelly hansome was holding peace talks with Kenny Ogungbe and Kennis Music, he was not in any way seeking a redress with M.I. He had exclusively said : “my problem is with M.I. Not chocolate city”, indications now say otherwise as he released a track titled ‘Chocolate Boys’. We can tell that Kelly Hansome started as a rap artiste which would explain why his ‘diss’ freestyle would receive a nod from some. Again how the feud began?
Kelly was not pleased with M.I.

Making a reference at him and Keke – calling ‘Keke the man’ Kelly Hansome was not particularly excited about a line from M.I. in ‘ Fast Money, fast cars’ on his ‘Talk about it’ album. The line haunted Kelly hansome as he made us understand even after he had met M.I. and requested for an explanation. M.I. said via a twitter that: “So I explained to him what it was about… And we shook on it..

Then I did ‘mgbono feli feli’ remix and gave a ‘that’s my guy’ shout out!” and “…and I have met and even wanted to work together” and in his Freestyle on D’banj ‘ gbon feli feli’ beat for his Illegal Music Mixtape, M.I. went on to rap: “my maga didn’t pay but I’m friends with Kelly Hansome,” but it seemed too late as just then Kelly hansome released ‘igwe kom kom’ track that was directed at M.I., D’ banj. Wande Coal and Terry G. and ‘catch me if you can’ followed and this time, Kelly Hansome took a swipe at Kenny Ogungbe and M.I.

M.I. responded on twitter and the blogosphere quoted his “10 (Ten) Steps After Kelly Hansome Disses U – By M.I.”. Just after a track said to be the last track recorded for Jesse Jagz album surfaced, ‘Nobody test me’ was released where M.I. went on to say : “only One Kelly that I know Kelly Rowland”.

Kelly retraced his steps and made an apology to Kennis Music, had a meeting and issued a public apology – Kenny Ogungbe was present on his birthday celebration that took place at Bacchus Night Club, Lagos last week but his feud with M.I. is far from that.
..........Let's wait and see the outcome of this whole issue.
What do you think about this?

Monday, July 5, 2010

NIGERIAN claims WORLD's best child MODEL.

Eleven-year-old Wendy
Olulanu Kasumu has emerged
the Best of the Best Child
Model of the World 2010 in far away Bulgaria.
The contest, which featured
more than 42 countries in
various categories, saw Wendy coming tops and crowned the
overall winner of the event.

Speaking about her experience at a press
conference organised by AJ
Trimec, Olakas Techniques,
Modela Couture and
Powerhouse at City Mall,
Onikan, Lagos, Wendy said
winning the Best of the Best
Child Model of the World 2010
had brought her untold fame.
She attributed her triumph to
the unflinching support she
got from her parents.
Wendy also recalled that
representing Nigeria and
showcasing her numerous
cultures gave her an edge
over contestants from other

The father of the JSS 1 student
of Jiba College, Surulere, Mr.
Olulanu Kasumu, expressed
gratitude to God, saying that
being the father of the Best of
the Best Child Model of the
World was the best thing that
had happened to his family.
But he called on the government for support,
because, according to him,
"there are many untapped
talents in every Nigerian child
waiting to be explored."

The Coordinator, Best Child
Model of the World, Nigeria,
Samuel Orheruata, added that
by being the Best of the Best
Child Model of the World
2010, Wendy had brought
honour not only to her family
and school, but to Nigeria as a


Congratulations Wendy!

PRESIDENT forgives SUPER EAGLES.........

The Nigerian government has reversed its decision to withdraw the Super Eagles from international competition until 2012......

A spokesman for President Goodluck Jonathan announced the shock departure on Friday after Nigeria's poor performance at World Cup 2010 when they finished bottom of Group B with just one point. The absence would have seen the nation miss qualifying for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations.

The comment provoked a strong reaction from FIFA as they threatened to withdraw financial help, stop Nigerian referees from officiating in international matches and its clubs from partaking in African club competitions.

A letter had been sent to the Super Eagles' hierarchy with a deadline of 6 pm today which had laid out the consequences.
FIFA strongly resists any political interference in the running of national sides and uses a host of sanctions to forbid the action.

The move follows a hectic weekend for the Nigerian authorities after three members of the Nigeria Football Federation - FA president Sani Lulu, first vice-president Amanze Uchegbulam and Taiwo Ogunjobi, Technical Committee chairman of the NFF - were impeached after financial improprieties.
Mr President, thank you sir!
Please what do you have to say about this?


.........The two awards will cease to exist as seperate entities.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has revealed in a press conference in Johannesburg that the FIFA World Player of the Year award and the Ballon d'Or will cease to exist as two separate entities and will merge into one individual trophy.

The Ballon d'Or was created in 1956 by French magazine France Football from a poll of international journalists. Initially, only European players could scoop up the award, but it was later opened to players of any nationality. Barcelona and Argentina star Lionel Messi was the latest winner of the award in 2009.

The FIFA World Player of the Year award was created in 1991 and it's voted for by national team coaches and captains. Messi was voted FIFA World Player of the Year in 2009 , ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo.

The first FIFA Ballon d'Or will be presented on January 10 in Zurich, Switzerland.

The jury that will vote the winner of the award will consist of a combination of specialised journalists and national team coaches and captains.

E.Amunike: Lars fooled us......Really?

Lagerback Vs Amunike

“It would have been a big
miracle had Nigeria advanced
beyond the opening stage of
the World Cup. ”
That was the
remark of, Emmanuel
Amuneke, the 1994 African
Footballer of the Year and the
scorer of the goals that
earned Nigeria the 1994
African Nations Cup and the
gold medal of the soccer
event of the 1996 Olympic

The former Super Eagles
striker is in South Africa as one of the analysts for the
Asian cable TV network, Al
Jazeera. “It may be difficult to
accept the fact, but I must tell
you, Nigerian football has
gone backward.

We are not
putting important attention to
planning. Events are just unfolding and we falsely
believe we are making
progress ”, said Amuneke.
Continuing, the striker who
scored Nigeria ’s lone goal
against Italy at the round of 16
in the 1994 World Cup, said
the composition of the Super
Eagles squad of today is
largely based on names rather
than current forms of the

He stated that the performance of the Super
Eagles at the South Africa
2010 World Cup was simply a
reflection of their current
form. “You noticed how we
struggled to even qualify. It
was sheer luck.

Things were
not easy for the team. The
signals had been there all
along ”, Amuneke said.
“Lars Lagerback based his
selection on names of the
players in Europe rather than
the current forms of the
players. Berti Vogts made a
similar mistake when he
handled the team two years

He even did the absurd
by living in Germany while
discarding the actual
environment where he was
supposed to be working. ”

He stressed that the result of
basing team selection on the
big names was that most of
the players were not in their
best forms. Amuneke pointed
at some of the players that
did not give optimum
performance. “Yakubu
Aiyegbeni was not at his best.
So also was Osaze
Odemwingie ”, he said. He
further stated that rather
than lamenting Nigeria ’s poor
performance, the NFF should
start thinking of the way
forward as the qualifying
series for the 2012 Africa
Nations Cup is just weeks
away. Amuneke is urging the
football authorities to look inwards by improving the
standard of the domestic
league as a springboard for
the desired development of
the national team.

He recalled that the bulk of
the star players of the golden
era of 1994 actually made
names at home before
blossoming into bigger stars
abroad. “The NFF should look
inwards and develop the stars
at home before they are
further polished abroad.

home-based players need help and encouragement. The standard of our domestic
football must improve
drastically instead of the NFF just thinking of going into
competitions, ” he insisted.

“We should also learn to build
on the little successes we
made. Look at the 1996
Olympic gold winning squad.

What happened thereafter?
Look at the 1994 Africa Nations Cup winning side and the World Cup team. What
happened after? What happened to the youth sides
that made impacts at the
junior competitions? They were just left to rot ”.

Amuneke pointed to Ghana as
a nation that is making
advancement in every sphere.
Said he: “See how they have
been able to integrate their
youth sides with the experienced players.

They are now at the verge of getting to
the semi-finals of the World
Cup. We should learn from
Speaking on the 2010 FIFA
World Cup generally,
Amuneke said it has been one
full of shocks and surprises,
stressing that nothing could
have better described the
South Africa 2010 which field
has now been narrowed to

To illustrate the
element of surprises, the
former African Footballer of
the Year pointed at the way
Slovakia eliminated defending
champions, Italy. He wondered: “See how France,
runners-up in the last edition
as well as former champions
were humiliated and bundled
out in the first round. ”

He also pointed at the massacre of England by
Germany to illustrate the
changing face of the World
Cup and the unfolding shift of
power in football. “The South Americans have been the
most successful so far as most
of the teams are still in
contention, ” he remarked.

In contrast, five of the six
African teams were bundled
out in the first round. “I am
worried seeing that happen
when one had expected that
with every passing edition of the World Cup, improved
performance of the African
teams will always happen, ” he

It was actually the resurgence
of African teams that saw a
gradual increase in the allotted quota from one in the 1970s to two in the 1980s and
three in 1994 and 1998 to five
in 2006 and a record six in the
current edition. With the dismal performances, it may not be easy for anyone to
push for further increase.

Rather, the Asians may be the favoured confederation for increased quota, while Africa
which quota is actually five
(South Africa got the sixth slot
as hosts), may get a cut.

“I will expect Ghana to still do
better so that the continent’s
claim to higher quota will be
sustained ”, said Amuneke.


Was he actually the cause?

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Eva- I stay

New single from Eva off her
soon to be released mixtape
(still currently untitled). It ’s a
Yanni cover and with it, she
explores sadness and pain
from different perspectives.
Eva always delivers on any
beat/instrumental. Share your
thoughts …


Chukzy ft Terry G- no be power + more ft Durella

Check out a new artiste,
Chukzy, who happens to be a
Civil Engineering graduate of
the Enugu State University of
Science and Technology
(ESUT). I dunno too much
about him other than the fact
that he ’s currently signed to a
record label called CSK
“No Be By Power” can pass
for a korrect Christian song
that can even get secular
airplays (nothing is impossible
with Terry G), and “More”
features Durella.


Kelly Hansome- Chocolate boyz

This is the 2nd reply to choc boyz......wow this fight is getting intresting.

Let's for the choc boyz and see what they have for hansome. Their 1st reply to kelly was "Nobody can test me".


Get all these songs and enjoy them, because the are nice songs.

Thumbs up to our 9ja artistes!

BREAKING NEWS: Brasil sack Dunga!

The tactician has been let go by the CBF after the World Cup quarter- final exit...

The Brazilian Football Federation has relieved Dunga of his position as national team coach following a disappointing World Cup quarter- final exit. Dunga had stated his intention to leave his post following the 2-1
defeat at the hands of the Netherlands on Saturday. An official statement from the CBS has now confirmed the former midfielder's departure from the role.

"After the working cycle that started in August 2006 , and ended with the elimination of Brazil from the World Cup in South Africa, has come to an end, the CBF announces that the technical committee of the national squad has been released," the statement on the CBF official website read.

"The new technical committee will be announced by the end of July."

Former Chelsea manager Luiz Felipe Scolari and Leonardo, who was in charge at Milan last season, are rumoured to be early candidates for the position.


We wish him all the best......

But was he actually the cause of Brazil's exit?

BREAKING NEWS: Rafael Nadal is wimbledon 2010 WINNER!

The Spaniard, who won the
title in 2008 with a five-set
victory over Roger Federer,
dubbed the ‘greatest-ever
final’, crushed No 12 seed
Berdych on a subdued Centre
Berdych, who stunned Federer
and Novak Djokovic en route
to today ’s showpiece, never
looked like causing an upset in
his first major final.

Rafael Nadal has won his second Wimbledon title, and his eighth grand slam overall, with a straight sets 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 victory over Tomas Berdych.




Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health completed a study in which they found eating five servings of white rice per week was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating two or more servings of brown rice was associated with a lower risk of the disease.

They also found replacing 50 grams of white rice with the same amount of brown rice, (one third of a daily serving) could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16 %. Replacing the same amount of white rice with whole wheat or barley was associated with a 36 % reduced risk. Qi Sun was one of the lead researchers. She remarked about the study, “Rice consumption in the U.S. has dramatically increased in recent decades.

We believe replacing white rice and other refined grains with whole grains, including brown rice, would help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.” Fiber content, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, are found in higher amounts in brown rice.

Also it often does not generate as large an increase in blood sugar levels after a meal, as does white rice.

Qi Sun and Frank Hu examined white and brown rice consumption in relation to type 2 diabetes risk in 157 ,463 women and 39 ,765 men.

In their study they discovered brown rice consumption was not associated with ethnicity. The connection was to a health- conscious diet and lifestyle. Hu said of their study, “From a public health point of view, whole grains, rather than refined carbohydrates, such as white rice, should be recommended as the primary source of carbohydrates for the U.S. population.”

Diabetes Insider reported that almost 70 % of rice consumed in the U.S. and the UK is white rice.


What do u think?


Andrew Garfield is slated to
star as the next Spider-man,
according to Variety.

The 26-year-old British actor is
best known for starring in The
Imaginarium of Doctor
Parnassus and the upcoming
film Social Network costarring
Justin Timberlake.

The new Spider-man movie,
directed by Marc Webb, will
be a reboot of the original
film and will be in 3D.

“Though his name may be new
to many, those who know this
young actor ’s work
understand his extraordinary
talents, ” Marc said of Andrew
(via THR). “He has a rare
combination of intelligence,
wit, and humanity. ”

Production is expected to
begin at the end of the year.

The new film is set to be
released on July 3, 2012.

Garfield will make a good
Peter Parker?


We wish him all the best!


Cristiano Ronaldo just
announced that he’s the proud
father of a son!

The 25-year-old Portuguese
soccer star shared via
Facebook and Twitter: “It is
with great joy and emotion
that I inform I have recently
become father to a baby boy.

As agreed with the baby ’s
mother, who prefers to have
her identity kept confidential,
my son will be under my
exclusive guardianship.

No further information will be provided on this subject and I
request everyone to fully respect my right to privacy
(and that of the child) at least
on issues as personal as these
are. ”

It’s only a matter of time before the baby mama is

Congratulations! ! !