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Saturday, July 10, 2010

42-year-old man Charged to COURT for defiling a 13-year-old girl.

A 42-year-old truck driver,
Aloy Onu, was, on Thursday,
brought before an Ebute Meta
Magistrate's Court in Lagos
for allegedly abducting and
defiling a 13-year-old girl.
Charged with a one-count
offence of having an unlawful
carnal knowledge with a minor, the accused, however,
pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor, Inspector
Moses Uademevbo, stated
that the accused committed
the offence on June 15 at Iddo,
Lagos Mainland.
He told the court that the girl ran away from her sister's
home to rejoin her parents
and was in the process,
abducted by the accused.

"After abducting and having
sex with the girl for one week,
the accused promised to take
her to her parents' house,
which he failed to do,"
Uademevbo said.
He said the offence
contravened Section 218 of the Criminal Code, Laws of Lagos
State and punishable with life

The magistrate, Mr M.O.
Olubi, granted the accused
bail in the sum of N200, 000 in
addition to two sureties in like

He adjourned the case till July
26 for further hearing.

*Nawa oooo!

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