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Friday, July 2, 2010


Chidinma and Chidiebere
Aneke are identical twins who
started out as ordinary girls in
the movie industry. The sexy,
and industrious sisters have
proved their mettle through
determination and diligence.
Over the years, they have
proven that hardwork pays
and not fraternizing with
producers and directors make
stars. Today, they can stand
tall among their peers and
colleagues in the industry.
With their creativity, they
have also joined the league of
movie producers and
production managers.

Based in Enugu, where they are
spreading their tentacles in
movie production amidst
financial constraints, the
graduates of Mass
Communication and Business
Administration respectively
are owners of Greenville
production company.

They set
up the company to make their
dreams a reality and to
effectively manage their

They told Daily
Sun recently about their new
movie, how their father’s
death shaped their lives and
their marriage plans.

About our new film ‘Ujuaku,
the tigress’
The movie is about a man who
married two wives, and was
maltreating one of them
because she didn ’t give him a
male child. The second wife is
wicked and heartless as she
tries to disrupt the peace at
home. She hated the first wife
with a passion and turned her
children against her and her
husband as well.

The movie is
an eye opener on polygamy
and its attendant effects, it
will educate women on how to
handle marital crisis without
involving their children
because it could be disastrous.
The movie is also about the
test of love because the
polygamous man tested his
wives to know who loved him
The story line
The inspiration for the movie
stemmed from various
experiences of married
women when there is crisis in
the home. A woman we know
recently left her husband with
her children, which will in the
long run have psychological
effects on them. A lot of
women are not happy in their
marriages and some of them
even die in the process.
Lessons for viewers
We wish to instruct individuals
on the dangers of polygamy
and stick to one man, one wife
rule. In addition, we hope to
teach families how to wade
through the crisis of life with
relative ease. Women in
particular have to learn to
stick to their husbands no
matter how bad the situation
at home is, no condition is
permanent. The virtue of
patience and endurance
comes to fore in Ujuaku the
Making impact with the movie
in Nigeria
Yes. Nigerians believe in what
they see than what they hear.

The movie addresses salient
issues affecting families and
individuals making wrong
choices, thereby educating
them on being responsible for
their actions.
The cost of producing Ujuaku
the tigress
It costs a lot but we will not
reveal the exact amount
because we have sponsors.
The cost of producing a movie
is not a child ’s play. We are
sure that we will reap our
financial rewards despite the
rate of piracy in Nigeria.

Venturing into movie
This is not the first movie we
produced. We have been
doing that, but we want to
make noise with this one
because of its message. W
e will also market it ourselves
under our company Greenville
Productions, unlike our
previous movies which we sold
the right to marketers to
market them for us. We hope
to meet and discuss issues
with different marketers on
quantities they wish to
distribute as well areas they
wish to market them.

Our Nollywood journey
We joined Nollywood in 2004.
Since then, God has been
faithful to us and we are doing
well. We are contented with
the progress we have made so
far, because a journey of a
thousand miles begins with a
step. We may not be where
we want to be, but we will get
there with God on our side.
Life is a process and for one
to excel, that process has to
be followed. We believe that
patience, hard work,
tolerance, being yourself and
having a friendly disposition
will help us get to the top.
Assessing Nollywood
It is a continous journey in
search of perfection.
Nollywood is growing,
technically, and in terms of
delivery by the actors and
Moving Nollywood forward
Practitioners have to sit down
and map out strategies on
how to improve the industry.
The quality of movies have to
be more creative, original and
impactful. There has to
creative rivalry which is
healthy for the success of the
Seminars and
conferences where movie
practitioners would be taught
the rudiments of film making
as well as bringing in experts
from developed countries to
rub minds with them on how
to be the best movie makers
in the world is equally
Lack of moral values in youths

This can be attributed to the
fall in the standard of family
values. Parents have failed in
their duties to bring up their
children properly thereby
giving rise to social vices and
criminal tendencies. At times,
parents lie in the presence of
their children and expect
them to be truthful always, it does not work that way.

Children are taught by what
they see and not what they
Parents no longer provide an
atmosphere of dialogue or
discussion with their kids, they
are left on their own. They
have also failed in being role
models for their children as
they are no longer the source
of strength for them. Mothers
especially are guilty in
discipliningtheir children
whenever they go wrong, they
wait for their husbands to do
that, it is wrong. Correct a
child anytime it is necessary
and tell him or her why you
are being strict.
Our career dreams
There are many plans in the
offing which will have to be a
secret for now so that it would
remain original.

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