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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Denrele denies being Charley Boy's gay lover

Area Fada, Charley Boy, has
been associated with a lot of
negative - and positive -
things, but never before has
he been called a homosexual.
That is up until now.

A romantic picture of Charley
Boy kissing Denrele has been
circulating on the Internet
for a while, and it has made
many believe that both of
them are involved in a sexual
But Denrele told Life and
Beat that he didn't owe
anybody any explanation.

"If not that I know you, I
would have told you I don't
owe you any explanation. I
just think that some people
are out to tarnish my image.
Call it Photoshop, call it
publicity stunt or whatever
the picture is, people just
want to tarnish my image."

But to those who he feels are
out to tarnish his image,
Denrele said, "I'm not
bothered in anyway. They are
just making me popular. The
story is not affecting me in
anyway. I have been
receiving calls from all over
the world about this same
picture. I'm not gay, but I
don't think I owe anybody any

Charley Boy's phone was
unreachable when Life and
Beat tried to contact him.

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