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Monday, October 25, 2010

Gus 7: Kunle is the Ultimate Man

Kunle Oluremi is ecstatic!
Who would blame him? The
23-year-old dude is now a
millionaire after winning the
Gulder Ultimate 7 Show.

On Thursday afternoon, the
Omo Forest, Ogun State,
venue of the show witnessed
the battle among the three
finalists: Adeleke, Atiku and
Kunle, to determine who
would win the 2010 edition
of the GUS, where 12
contestants started the
search for the Ultimate Hero.

The contest started after the
anchorman, Bob-Manuel
Udokwu, explained that the
final tasks to determine the
champion would be in phases.
While the pendulum swings
from one contestant to the
other among the three
finalists, Kunle, however,
had the last laugh.

” Am I the Ultimate Hero? Am
I dreaming? Ah! Ah! I am the
last man standing, ” were all
Kunle could scream, having
realised that he had beaten
two others to pick the N7m
and a brand new Sports
Utility Van among other
freebies as the first prize of
the GUS 7.

After unhooking his bundled
plates and constructing his
boxes, the winner ran wildly
to the beam; took his
machete, set his three boxes,
climbed over the boxes, cut
the rope that tied the bridge
to the beam; ran across it
like a wild cat and picked the

Kunle jumped inside the
champion spot and hoisted
the pole with the champion‘s
flag. Kunle‘s countenance
changed as he just couldn‘t
believe he was the first to
make it.

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