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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wife kills husband over loaf of bread • She should face the law – Deceased’s family

" Hafeez Rasheed "

If tears could raise the dead,
Hafeez Rasheed, allegedly
stabbed to death by his wife,
Molayo, would have
‘ resurrected’ by now. But
wishes were not horses, as
her weeping and wailing
could not repair the
irreparable damage, done to
the family by his alleged
murder. But the woman in the
eyes of the storm tried to
justify her action.

“After stabbing him, I cried
out for help, but our
neighbours did not come to
assist in saving his life. I
cried for help but nobody
came to assist me, ” she
lamented. The incident
occurred at Ile Oloola Oja
Igbo area of Ibadan, Oyo
State. Problem started when
Molayo was eating a loaf of
bread and her husband
decided to take part of it
without her permission.
The 18-year-old woman was
said to have challenged her
husband for eating out of it.

The suspect, a bread hawker,
was alleged to have earlier
quarreled with the victim,
after he reportedly refused
to give her N1,000, feeding

According to her, what her
late husband could afford to
give her was N70. She also
narrated how they started
fighting as a result of his
failure to give her the money
she requested.

“ I was frustrated as he could
only afford to give me N70,
instead of the N1,000. We
started exchanging words
and he suddenly held my
back. As I tried to lose myself
from his grip, he started
beating me up. Fight later
broke out and it was in the
process that I used the knife
to stab him in the chest and
he died at about 2.00 pm.
I didn’t know it would result
in his death. I still blame our
neighbours for not coming to
his rescue, ” she said amid
tears. According to some
neighbours, before the
tragedy, the couple turned
their matrimonial home to
battle field.

The suspect also confirmed
this: “We fought regularly
and after each quarrel, which
sometimes made me to go
back to my parents ’ house,
my husband usually came to
beg me to come back, ” she

“I got married to my husband
in 2007 and the marriage is
blessed with a year old child.

But my husband was not
taking care of me and our
child. He usually beat me up
each time I requested money
for the up-keep of the
family, ” Molayo said. One of
the victim’s relatives said
the family was still in shock
over the tragedy. He
disclosed that Rasheed was
the only son of his parents.
“They always quarreled, but
we didn’t know this could
result in his death,” he said.

He recalled how the suspect
was sent packing on many
occasions, but her late
husband went and brought
her back to the family. “Let
Molayo face the
consequences of her
dastardly act, ” he said.

The second-in-command at
the State Criminal
Investigation Department
(SCID), Iyaganku, Ibadan, Mr.
Okpara Benjamin, confirmed
the incident. He disclosed
that that the corpse had been
deposited at General
Hospital, Yemetu, Ibadan,
adding that the suspect
would be prosecuted after

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