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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Striking research workers take case to God

Disillusioned that the
government is not keen on
responding to their demand
for equity with their
counterparts in other
universities, a situation
which prompted the two-
month old strike they
embarked upon on August 16,
2010, members of the Non-
Academic Staff Union of
Universities and Associated
Institutions (NASU) of the
National Root Crops
Research Institute, Umudike
(NRCRI), have taken their
case to God.

The workers began a three-
day praying and fasting
session to attract God’s
intervention, which ended at
the weekend with a resolve
to continue the strike until
their demands were met.

They are demanding that the
federal government
reconvene and conclude
negotiations with the
national NASU on the upward
review of their salaries,
allowances and other
conditions of service which
they claimed had been done
for their counterparts in
Universities, Teaching
Hospitals, Polytechnics and
Colleges of Education
At the end of their fasting
and praying, they embarked
on a peaceful procession,
singing and chanting songs
within the NRCRI premises.

They also carried placards,
some of which read: ‘FG,
Stop divide and rule’ ‘Give
us our right’ ‘No research
no development’ ‘Pay
correctly our salaries and
Allowances’ ‘No alternative
to Agric. Research’ and ‘Stop
underrating Research
Institutions’, “among others.
The workers are also asking
the federal government to
increase their salaries and
allowances, as well as age of
service, with effect from
July 2009.

The Acting Chairman of the
union, Victor Obi, said the
workers are resolved to
continue with the strike till
the government meets their

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