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Monday, October 4, 2010

Dokpesi arrested over Friday ’s bomb-blast

Less than 24 hours after
Goodluck Jonathan announced
that the nation ’s security
forces were closing-in on the
sponsors of the Friday ’s
twin bombings in Abuja, there
are indications that the
Director of the Ibrahim
Babanginda Campaign
Organisation; Raymond
Dokpesi may have been
arrested in connection with
the bomb blast that almost
marred the Nigeria ’s Golden
Jubilee celebrations.

D U R U E K E 4 A L L gathered that he may
have been picked up in the
early hours of today,
following a text message
sent to the smartphone of one
of the suspects in police
custody asking “if Dokpesi
has paid the balance” and
another “inviting another
suspect to a meeting at IBB
Campaign office. ”

It was learnt that the alleged
arrest of Mr Dokpesi may be
one of the nine people
already arrested by the State
Security Service, who at the
briefing yesterday had
refused to mention the names
of those in its custody for
security reasons.

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