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Monday, October 4, 2010

Four year old Victoria Asuquo needs your help......SAVE A SOUL TODAY!

Like the Biblical woman with
the issue of blood, Ms Nsifon
Edet Peters, a 21-year-old
widow stormed the Uyo
township stadium, venue of
the South-South Solidarity
Rally for President Goodluck
Jonathan/Sambo on
September 13, convened by
South-South Leader, Chief
Edwin Kiagbodo Clark.

Her mission was not to touch
Christ but to attract
government and public
attention to her ailing
daughter, little Victoria
Asuquo, aged four years and
seven months.
She was scolded, derided and
shoved aside by the mobile
policemen there who
threatened to deal severely
with her if she failed to take
her leave. She did but not
without narrating her
pathetic story to D U R U E K E 4 A L L.

Little Victoria...afflicted
with a life-threatening boil
According to her: "My name is
Ms Peter and I am from Uyo
Local Government Area. My
baby daughter's name is
Victoria Asuquo; she is four
years old. She was born a
normal child, she was
growing well until she had
boil on her neck in March this
year. I took her to St. Luke's
Hospital at Anwa in Uyo Local
Government Area, where they
gave me drugs for her.

"After administering the
drugs, the boil did not
subside, so I took her to Sani
Abacha Hospitals where they
gave her some drugs. But
after administering the
drugs she developed chicken
pox. I took her back to the
hospital but then the doctors
had gone on strike.
I then took her to a private
clinic. By this time her neck
had become swollen and they
told me that they will have to
carry out a surgical
operation on her," she

Continuing she informed that
for the operation to be
carried out, she has to cough
out N 600,000 which she does
not have.
"I have no money and my
husband is dead. I was
confused because I know that
I cannot raise that kind of
money, I do not have
properties to sell. Because i
do not want my baby to die, I
went to Akwa Ibom
Broadcasting Corporation,
AKBC, to seek assistance
from the public.

So far, I have not got help. In
my desperation to save my
baby I also went to the Akwa
Ibom Government House to
seek the Governor's help but
the Mobile Police men there
chased me away. They said I
should go and work for the
money but I told them I do not
have any job," she said.

Ms Peter informed that the
father of her baby, Mr.
Asuquo died in a motorcycle
accident last year at the
main gate of the University
of Uyo when a truck ran over
him and the motorcycle rider.
In her lamentation, she also
informed that she was
abandoned by the man a
month after impregnating
her, that she went through so
much pains taking care of the
pregnancy alone till she
delivered her baby and has
borne the burden alone until
the illness struck the baby.

She told D U R U E K E 4 A L L that
life has been very terrible
for her since the
development, as the baby has
been going through a
traumatic experience. Her
"She is having severe pains;
she cannot eat or sleep;
because she is bleeding, she
always cries. She has lost so
much blood through the
bleeding. I have suffered so
much humiliation, I have
become o laughing stock
among my people, my parents
blamed me for having the
Wherever I go people look at
me as if I'm a leper; they
don't want me near them
because of my baby's

"I was told that Prophet T.B.
Joshua could help me with
money and prayers but I do
not have any contact with
him. I am a Christian; I
believe that God will send a
helper, I have prayed and
prayed, even my pastor too
have prayed ,he said an
operation will be successful.

I plead with all kind-hearted
persons out there to assist
me with money so that I can
save my baby. I have suffered
so much; I do not want to lose
my baby; she is everything I
have got. In the name of God,
individuals and government
should come to my aid".


Ms Peter can be reached on

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