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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nigerian teenager shot dead in UK by some masked men.

Adelagun, was shot in the
upper left chest. He was
pronounced dead at the scene
in Chesterton Road, Plaistow.
Police also found a boy of 15
who was shot in the abdomen.
He is still in hospital in a
stable condition.

Police say the shooting took
place in parkland at the
junction of upper road when
two gunmen appeared behind
the four teenagers and began
firing. The group aged 15 and
16 were attacked from
behind by the gunmen at
around 3.20am.

All four youngsters ran away
and then re-grouped in the
area and sought help from a
local resident where Samuel
was shot in the upper left
chest, while the 15-year-old
was blasted in the abdomen.

The only description of the
gunmen is that they were
dressed in black and wearing
balaclavas. It is not known if
they travelled in a vehicle or
were on foot.
Detectives from the Met's
Trident unit, which tackles
gun related crime within the
black community, are
investigating the death.

Annie Smith, 77, of Howards
Road, backing on to the
parkland, said: "I heard two
males shouting then I went
back to sleep. Then I heard
three or four bangs. I thought
it could be fireworks but it
may have been shots. I then
heard somebody shouting and
someone answer faintly.
They are just kids, why were
they out so late?"
Floral tributes, including
seven bunches of white roses,
were laid at the foot of the
police cordon taping off the

No arrest has been made,
according to the London
Metropolitan Police.
A post-mortem examination
was carried out on Samuel
Adelagun at Walthamstow
mortuary, police said.

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