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Friday, October 29, 2010

World of 77-year-old female cobbler

From her secondary school
days, Mrs. Patricia Abulu
wanted to be a shoemaker.
The opportunity came when
her husband was transferred
to Ilorin, and during their
brief sojourn she became
apprenticed to a shoemaker
who taught her the art.
Despite going to England for
a course in building
technology, she has
diligently produced shoes in
the last 40 years. Now 77,
Abulu confesses that nothing
can separate her from her
first love of making shoes.
“I left Nigeria for England
in 1962 and studied building
technology, so I am a
technician. After that I was
employed by the London
Council Highway Department,
where I spent some years. On
return to Nigeria in 1968, I
really wanted to practice
what I studied but my
husband did not like me going
out to work like men do. So I
established a fashion house
called Patrina Fashion
Institute in which I trained
many young people, ” she
narrated to Saturday Sun.
At the beginning, she
specialized in selling wears
and later sewed few for
special clients. “Some of my
clothes were sampled for
sale during the FESTAC ‘77.
Some of the foreign artistes
who participated in the
festival visited my shop and
they were very excited about
the high quality of my
products. Most of them
bought clothes. The shop was
unique because it also served
as my home. I had to use the
sitting room as my shop in
the day and convert it to
living room in the evening.
You would really think that
everywhere was the shop
because in the morning I
changed the look of the
parlour and fix the wheels
for the dresses and used
curtains to shield the rest
from the prying public. ”
Designing just came to Abulu
as a hunch fuelled by her
avid “craze for good clothes.
But after some years of
highly rewarding fashion
business, I thought I should
practice what I studied in
England, so I pleaded with my
husband, an engineer,
working in the aviation
sector then to allow me
fulfill that ambition. He
later agreed and I applied
for a job with an engineering
firm, called Comprehensive
Consultants Limited in Lagos.
I was invited for an
interview where they found
out that I was actually
qualified and employed me.
“The next day I went to work.
When I reported for work I
noticed that they did not
have any female staffer. I
was the first, and so enjoyed
a lot of attention. They asked
if I could go on tour to places
like Ibadan, so I said I don’t
mind but I hope I won’t be
sleeping there because my
husband would not like that
at all. They were quiet nice,
complete gentlemen.
“I left the business in the
hands of some of my
assistants to face the new
job. We travelled to Ibadan,
Akure and Abeokuta often for
work before I was
redeployed to the drawing
office. I was in charge of the
drawings so I checked the
building drawings to make
sure they were accurate, and
looked at the schedules to
ensure compliance. I never
worked at the building site
but ensured that the
technical details were not
compromised. At the close of
work, by the time I would
drive home it will be late.
“When the pressure of work
became unbearable, I
indicated to resign. I tried to
return to my fashion
designing trade but changed
my mind. Instead I moved
into dealing in religious
books. When I left the
construction job, something
happened in my life, I had an
encounter that changed my
attitude towards certain
things. I curtailed my passion
for clothes and make-up and
became deeply religious. I
started going to church
regularly and prayed more
than before. I ordered for
religious books, which I sold
to the public. I was very
happy with this because I had
people coming to me for
prayers, some with problems
for counseling. We shared
experiences, advices and had
joy and fulfillment.”
At this period her husband
was transferred to Ilorin.
When they got there, she
thought of how to get busy
most likely in practical
things. She recalled that way
back in England “I also was
very practical. In those days
most women went for
secretarial training but I
didn ’t fancy it at all so I
went for building technology.
People especially my peers
used to ask me what I
studying that for. It looked
odd. ”
As a matter of fact, she was
the only black girl in the
class. I was not good in a
particular mathematics
course called ‘building
mathematics’ and sometimes
we would go into group
sessions. One of the white
guys would look at me and
wonder why I did not
understand mathematics. So
when we came back the next
day, he would come to me and
say Pat, this thing we did
yesterday, this is how it
should be done. Through his
help I began to improve. But
courses like building
construction and drawing
were my favourites. ”
So when they got to Ilorin,
she thought of what to do to
improve her fashion
designing by making shoes,
bags and hats to compliments
the clothes. It was an old
idea she nurtured in
secondary school in Kaduna
many years ago. “In fact
when I came back from
England some of my
colleagues thought I studied
shoemaking because I vowed I
must learn how to make
shoes. I laughed at them and
said no, my penchant for
shoemaking was just an
hobby. At Ilorin I decided to
make shoes as a profession ”,
she said.
After getting the husband’s
nod, she went in search of
where to acquire the trade.
“ Eventually I found one
young man and told him what
I wanted to do. He laughed
and said madam, you cannot
do it. I said I could. I admired
the shoes he had made which
were displayed on the rack.
That time they used Jeans
materials to produce shoes
and this fascinated me. I
insisted that he must teach
me, so he asked me to come
back in a month ’s time.”
After one month, she resumed
apprenticeship to the
surprise of her trainer.
“ He had to tell me how much
it would cost and inquired if
I would be apprenticed for
six months or one year. I told
him that I would pay his full
fees and stay only for three
months. He doubted me. My
husband agreed but he did
not know where I did the
apprenticeship. Sometimes
my new boss would give me
home work to losen a shoe for
repairs. When I get home,
after my house chores and
after attending to my
husband, I would do my home
work till late in the night. I
married early at twenty
three so by now all my
children had finished
schooling and were in Lagos.
This habit helped me during
my fashion business days. I
used to give homework to my
students and this greatly
improved their rate and
mastery of the profession.
I did all my home work and
learnt how to sew shoes like
the Hausa do. I learnt how to
sew with his guidance.
Sometimes the man was not
able to explain certain
patterns or reasons why
things were made into
specific designs, but I took
all in good faith. I learnt how
to make cover shoes and the
day I made something and
showed him, he did not know I
was the one who produced it.
Within three months, I learnt
so much. When he wanted to
teach me certain things he
would stand up but I insisted
he should sit down and teach
me since I was the student,
and he, the teacher. We had
this understanding and I
actually learnt fast and got
all he wanted to put across. ”
One day as her husband was
driving past, he spotted her
in the workshop and asked in
surprise what she was doing
there. He simply felt
disappointed that the wife
could choose such a place to
learn the trade. She had to
convince him that that was
the best place she could get
what she wanted.
” We were lived in the GRA
part of Ilorin then and on one
ocassion, a lady who used to
bring shoes for mending
came and I requested for a
lift home. As we were driving
home she told me the
shoemaker I learnt the work
in his place was good and
encouraged me to take him as
client too. She was shocked to
hear that I was an apprentice
with the man. I didn ’t care
much because I wanted to
learn. That was my passion
for shoe designing. I was
happy with the shoes I made
and I didn ’t stop at that. I
also made hats for women,
because it was in vogue. I
made a handful and through
the help of my daughter who
was in Lagos, I had an outfit
and made more for sale. In
this way I had a booming
business in Lagos while
residing in Ilorin.
I combined all that and after
three years we were sent
back to Lagos. I reopened my
fashion business and added
shoemaking to it and with
hats made by me I had a one-
stop-shop for women.”
she says her sitting room
doubles as workshop
especially when renting
shops ion Lagos has become
very expensive. “When you
do something you like or
zealous about you feel
fulfilled and happy about
it. ” That is actually how the
builder feels making shoes
and hats.
But can the husband of a
woman of such standing just
stomach it and watch the
wife come so low to make
shoes and some other things?
The question is not an issue
to the lady cobbler as she
noted that the husband never
felt bad. Or if he did, he
never showed it “because he
knew that I wanted to do the
things I liked. It did not
bother him so much because
having slept well at night,
the next morning he would be
off to work and I would be at
home. I detest idleness unlike
girls of today. So as soon as
he had gone I would return to
my duty post. Sometimes my
children would come and say,
‘ Mummy you need some rest’
and I would reply that
daytime is not for rest but
for work. ”
She later went back to
England to learn more trades
like wine making. On her
return, she had a change of
mind on work and said
enough because she was
getting so old for all those.
“ I decided to give out most
of my machines and tools. I
gave them to some of the
Hausa shoemakers living
around me in Satellite Town.
I taught them how to use
them and they were happy. ”
But not quiet long after her
return, the longing to make
shoes came back. “I began to
warm up again for my
business. I did not regret
disposing of my old tools
since God has given me life,
am well and my hands are
strong, I went back to Mushin
and bought a new set of
machines for making shoes. I
bought a couple of things as
well as materials and started
all over. But because I left
the production for a long
time I had forgotten certain
things. To overcome this I
went to some of my
benefactors for refresher
course and they were elated
to put me through again but
they kept on looking at my
age and till now they cannot
understand why a woman who
is over 70 should bother
herself with shoe making
business. This time I did not
buy filling machines, rather
when I design shoes; I send
them out for filling while I
put finishing touches to them.

Woman gives birth to snake in Umuahia

It sure sounds unbelievable,
but a young woman has been
delivered of a snake in
Umuahia. The woman
delivered the scary reptile
on Wednesday following
hours of intense prayers at
the Eternal Sacred Order of
Cherubim and Seraphim
Church, along Eze Ogbulafor
Street, Umuahia, Abia State.

Chairman of the Organisation
of African Instituted
Churches (OAIC) in Abia
state, Apostle Emmanuel
Agomoh, who is also the head
of the Eternal Sacred Order
of the Cherubim and
Seraphim in the state said a
priest, Apostle Uche Ugwu
had engaged himself in hours
of prayers to cause the
delivery of the snake from
the private part of the 35-
year-old lady whose names
are being withheld.

The snake, said to have
been programmed into the
woman ’s womb since her
secondary school days, was
headless and tailless.

The incident, which has
become the talk of the town,
happened around 5p.m. on
Wednesday at the church
DURUEKE 4ALL learnt that the
young lady hails from
Olokoro in Umuahia South

She was said to have
delivered the snake like a
woman under labour
following prayers by the
priest that everything that
was not of God in her should
come out of her body. The
incident attracted a large

Apostle Agomoh said the
snake forced itself out of the
woman ’s private part with
the intention of attacking
Apostle Ugwu. The cleric ’s
younger brother, however,
was able to kill the animal.

The cleric said the woman
came to the church on Monday
for prayers following the
pains she had been
experiencing all over her
body since she was in
secondary school. According
to him, it was at this
juncture that one of the
prayer warriors in the church
Apostle Ugwu conducted the
prayers that forced the snake
out of her body.

“As I was praying and calling
on whatever was inside the
lady to come out, the lady
was writhing in pains. The
snake even wanted to attack
me until my brother here
killed it with the stick, ”
Ugwu told our reporter.
He said such miracles happen
very often in the church.

“ But we don’t advertise it
and we don’t use any fetish
things here. We only engage
in prayers, ” he said.
DURUEKE 4 ALL learnt that the
lady, who is still in shock is
currently recuperating in her

Why I took 65-year old wife, by Kumuyi

General Superintendent of
the Deeper Christian Life
Ministry, Pastor William
Kumuyi took a new wife last
week in London. When the
news broke, it sparked mixed
reactions. While some felt it
was in order, not a few
wondered why the 71-year
old cleric needed a new wife.

The church has opened up on
the turn of event.
Pastor William Kumuyi and
Esther Blaize , clad in a pink
and purple skirt suit,
exchanged the marriage vow
last Wednesday. Guests were
later ushered into the
Crowne Plaza Hotel, London
for a reception ceremony.

And just like that, the
General Superintendent of
the Deeper Christian Life
Ministry got married for the
second time. Two days ago,
key leaders of the church
across the country, who were
not privileged to attend the
modest ceremony, were made
to watch the video of the

Pastor Kumuyi lost his first
wife, Biodun on April 11 last
year. He took the news with
calm. He even went on to
handle the convention and
shocked many by preaching at
the funeral of his late wife.
At the time of her death,
Kumuyi was 70 years old.

When asked last year if he
was going to take a new wife,
he said it was too early to
think of that. With his age,
not a few also thought he
might just stay unmarried
for the rest of his life.

A statement by the church
yesterday said Kumuyi’s
decision to remarry was not
entirely his. The statement
endorsed on his behalf by
the church’s Secretary,
Pastor L Nnadozie said his
marriage to Esther sparked
joy and spontaneous
happiness among members of
the church.

The statement reads:
“Pastor Kumuyi had lost his
wife, Biodun in April last
year. The death of the woman
affectionately called
‘mummy’ or ‘mama’ by
members of the church,
became a cause for concern
for leaders in the church as
she was almost inseparable
from her husband. The church
leaders were so concerned
that the pastor must not
remain lonely, that they led a
delegation to encourage him
to begin praying to God to
give him another wife. The
leaders also began praying
for their pastor to get
another partner. Although
initially reluctant, Pastor
Kumuyi later prayed and
testified to the leaders that
God had answered their
prayers. This is what
culminated in the marriage
ceremony in London.”

The statement revealed that
the new wife, whose other
names are Folashade Aduke,
is the National and
International Woman Co-
odinator of the church. She
is 65. And wait for this: she
was never married, because,
according to Nnadozie, she
committed her life to the

Fire guts Kano AIT office

An early morning fire gutted
the DAAR Communication Plc,
AIT/Raypower, office in Kano
on Friday, destroying
equipment worth millions of
Nobody died or sustained any
injury in the inferno which
lasted for over three hours.

The head of the station,
Abdullahi Addy, said the fire
started around 8.20am when
the station was on
transmission. He said studio
workers suddenly saw smoke
in the office, which is on the
6th floor of the building.
Mr Addy said the fire
destroyed equipment such as
transmitters, cameras, the
library, and the editing box
of both the television and
radio studio.

"Though it is painful, but we
pray that the station will
bounce back with more
determined to inform,
educate and entertain its
numerous listeners," he said.

"We give gratitude to God
that this fire did not kill
anybody and nobody
sustained any injury. But it is
unfortunate that our whole
corporate studio and office
have been razed down by the
fire." He commended the
efforts of fire fighters who
immediately swung into
action and subdued the fire
after a two hour battle.
The Director of Operations
of the state fire service,
Kassim Abdullahi said he
mobilised men and enough
vehicles immediately he got
information about the fire.

"We cannot ascertain the
number of properties lost by
the station, but we will
investigate the cause of the
fire and make it known soon".

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is to inform you all about the burial arrangement of one of my Big Mama===>

Late Madam Nkechiyerem Reginald Durueke. Who pasd on Sat (16th Oct) morning.

Aged 67years.

She wil be buried on Fri 29th October 2010.
@ her compound in Umujam- Ihite-isi Mbieri, Mbaitoli LGA of Imo state.

May her gentle soul R I P. Amen

Signd: Comr Nnaemeka Durueke.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Church abandoned me when my mariage failed-- Kenny St Brown

Looking quite
robust, relaxed and
remarkably attractive than
few years ago when she was
battling with emotional
trauma caused by her broken
marriage, gospel act, Kenny
St Brown insists she would
not take any question
relating to her crashed
marriage. Holed up in her
cosy, sparsely furnished
Lagos apartment for
sometime now, the sultry
gospel sensation appears
determined to rid her once
heavy heart of thoughts
regarding her failed
marriage with fellow
musician, Eddy Montana.
Yet she savours the exciting
company of her two lovely
kids, whose framed picture
on the center table smiles at
you as you wait in her sitting
room. “We can talk about
anything, but please don't ask
me about my marriage, ” she
warned as she sat gently on a
plastic chair under a mango
tree directly opposite her
But more importantly, she
would love to speak about her
latest album, 'Turn Around',
especially the significant
impact it made in the music
career of the late hip hop
star, Dagrin, who featured in
one of the twelve songs in
the album.
According to her, Dagrin's
meteoric rise to fame before
and after his death was
largely influenced by the
song. “Turn Around is a
connection of powerful
prayer points from A to Z. It
was produced at the time
Dagrin was looking for
prominence and all his
prayers in that song were
answered. In the song, he
asked God for fame, he asked
for money and wanted to be a
widely celebrated rapper.
''All his requests were
granted as he soon had money
and became a celebrated
rapper. Unfortunately, he did
not ask for long life, he did
not ask God for safety. If he
did, I believe he would have
lived longer. After his death
God revealed this to me and I
went back to the song and
realised it was true. ”
Love life
It is not what I would like to
talk about. Right now, I'm in
love with my career. I don't
even think about it. It doesn't
even come up in my prayer
points. Maybe because of
what I suffered in the past. It
wasn't funny. I found my
career totally threatened.
Even my church that was
supposed to be my succour
compounded my problem.
They removed me from the
list of artists and told
members to stop inviting me
to events. I went to events
and found my name totally
absent and when I asked the
people in charge, they would
say it was the church that
asked them to do so. It was so
bad that at a point I
considered going into
business. But God spoke to
me. He said, 'I'm the one who
called you to church from the
world. If the church has
rejected you, the radio and
TV will accept you.'
Gradually, I started putting
myself together and I thank
God who has given me a turn
Shift to club, party songs
I have rebranded from doing
the typical church praise and
worship gospel songs to more
contemporary club compliant,
party acceptable songs. It is
like a total revolution for me.
It is a rebranding in terms of
content, style and target
audience. You don't expect
me to do 'you are worthy
worthy' I did 11 years ago
because it can no longer
satisfy the audience of
today. It is necessary to do
this in order to meet the
current demands of the
Nigeria music market.
Delay album release
It took time for me to release
the last album because my
own kind of music is very
peculiar. I deal with real life
situations, real experiences,
real circumstances and all
that. I'm not like some artists
that will find somebody to
write for them and then use
their image to present it to
the world. My work is a
creative work in which I am
conditioned to meet strict
conditions in terms of
content theme and messages
that must be delivered the
way music is being delivered
now. There is a compelling
need to create content for
radio and TV where, at a
time, there was no
representation for the gospel
so there is a vacuum to be
filled with contemporary
gospel songs. So, all this is
responsible for the delay
because if you look at Turn
Around, you will agree with
me that there is flow,
emotional connection and
fluidity from the first track
to the last.
Actually it was Sheyma, the
producer of 'Turn Around'
that brought us together. But
I would say it was destiny
that brought us together.
Though the first time I
encountered him was two
years earlier when I
conducted a talent hunt, in
which he made a semi final.
But destiny later broug us
together because it was at
the time I wanted a turn
around in my career and he
too was looking for
prominence. At that time he
was always with Sheyma to
feature in the albums of
some of the notable artists
he was producing then. At
first I was wondering what
contribution would someone
like Dagrin make to my kind
of music. But I was shocked
when he started delivering
his songs. He even had more
prayer points than me. It was
then I knew that the boy
really believed in God. He
believed that it was only God
who could do it for him and
God answered all his
prayers. Turn Around video
came out before he released
Pon Pon. It was all his wishes
in Turn Around that were
eventually granted even
though he had a death wish
hanging on him which
reflects in his 'If I die'. But
he touched more lives after
death than when he was
Family influence
My elder brother, Keke is
into entertainment
journalism while I'm a gospel
singer. We all have our
individual calling within
entertainment. I would say
my music talent comes from
my mother ’s lineage because
I can remember my mum's
elder brother was a DJ back
in Ago Iwoye, our home town.
He was always busy from
Monday to Monday and we
were following him to
naming, wedding and burial
ceremonies in Ago Iwoye in
the 60s, 70s till 80s. My
mother has a very strong
voice. My sister Moji Dokpesi
has a good soprano voice. My
father was an educationist
and an evangelist. So I would
say the gospel part of me is
from my father.
Advice to single ladies
Don't get too desperate for
marriage no matter the
situation you find yourself
because it can make men take
you for granted. You don't
even have to make it
prominent on your prayer
points because the more you
do so, the more desperate
you become and this can put
men off. Just be calm and
always make yourself
attractive to men in terms of
character, physical
appearance and your general
conducts. It is better for a
man to get desperate than
for a woman to get

Wife kills husband over loaf of bread • She should face the law – Deceased’s family

" Hafeez Rasheed "

If tears could raise the dead,
Hafeez Rasheed, allegedly
stabbed to death by his wife,
Molayo, would have
‘ resurrected’ by now. But
wishes were not horses, as
her weeping and wailing
could not repair the
irreparable damage, done to
the family by his alleged
murder. But the woman in the
eyes of the storm tried to
justify her action.

“After stabbing him, I cried
out for help, but our
neighbours did not come to
assist in saving his life. I
cried for help but nobody
came to assist me, ” she
lamented. The incident
occurred at Ile Oloola Oja
Igbo area of Ibadan, Oyo
State. Problem started when
Molayo was eating a loaf of
bread and her husband
decided to take part of it
without her permission.
The 18-year-old woman was
said to have challenged her
husband for eating out of it.

The suspect, a bread hawker,
was alleged to have earlier
quarreled with the victim,
after he reportedly refused
to give her N1,000, feeding

According to her, what her
late husband could afford to
give her was N70. She also
narrated how they started
fighting as a result of his
failure to give her the money
she requested.

“ I was frustrated as he could
only afford to give me N70,
instead of the N1,000. We
started exchanging words
and he suddenly held my
back. As I tried to lose myself
from his grip, he started
beating me up. Fight later
broke out and it was in the
process that I used the knife
to stab him in the chest and
he died at about 2.00 pm.
I didn’t know it would result
in his death. I still blame our
neighbours for not coming to
his rescue, ” she said amid
tears. According to some
neighbours, before the
tragedy, the couple turned
their matrimonial home to
battle field.

The suspect also confirmed
this: “We fought regularly
and after each quarrel, which
sometimes made me to go
back to my parents ’ house,
my husband usually came to
beg me to come back, ” she

“I got married to my husband
in 2007 and the marriage is
blessed with a year old child.

But my husband was not
taking care of me and our
child. He usually beat me up
each time I requested money
for the up-keep of the
family, ” Molayo said. One of
the victim’s relatives said
the family was still in shock
over the tragedy. He
disclosed that Rasheed was
the only son of his parents.
“They always quarreled, but
we didn’t know this could
result in his death,” he said.

He recalled how the suspect
was sent packing on many
occasions, but her late
husband went and brought
her back to the family. “Let
Molayo face the
consequences of her
dastardly act, ” he said.

The second-in-command at
the State Criminal
Investigation Department
(SCID), Iyaganku, Ibadan, Mr.
Okpara Benjamin, confirmed
the incident. He disclosed
that that the corpse had been
deposited at General
Hospital, Yemetu, Ibadan,
adding that the suspect
would be prosecuted after

13 Year Old Nigerian wins BEFFTA Young Achievers Award

Striking research workers take case to God

Disillusioned that the
government is not keen on
responding to their demand
for equity with their
counterparts in other
universities, a situation
which prompted the two-
month old strike they
embarked upon on August 16,
2010, members of the Non-
Academic Staff Union of
Universities and Associated
Institutions (NASU) of the
National Root Crops
Research Institute, Umudike
(NRCRI), have taken their
case to God.

The workers began a three-
day praying and fasting
session to attract God’s
intervention, which ended at
the weekend with a resolve
to continue the strike until
their demands were met.

They are demanding that the
federal government
reconvene and conclude
negotiations with the
national NASU on the upward
review of their salaries,
allowances and other
conditions of service which
they claimed had been done
for their counterparts in
Universities, Teaching
Hospitals, Polytechnics and
Colleges of Education
At the end of their fasting
and praying, they embarked
on a peaceful procession,
singing and chanting songs
within the NRCRI premises.

They also carried placards,
some of which read: ‘FG,
Stop divide and rule’ ‘Give
us our right’ ‘No research
no development’ ‘Pay
correctly our salaries and
Allowances’ ‘No alternative
to Agric. Research’ and ‘Stop
underrating Research
Institutions’, “among others.
The workers are also asking
the federal government to
increase their salaries and
allowances, as well as age of
service, with effect from
July 2009.

The Acting Chairman of the
union, Victor Obi, said the
workers are resolved to
continue with the strike till
the government meets their

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Mr & Mrs Stanley Ike.....

Wedding took place on sat 21st August 2010 @ Disney Hotels in Owerri.

Monday, October 25, 2010


GUS 7 Winner Oluwaremi Oyekunle with the staff of office a golden goblet

Gus 7: Kunle is the Ultimate Man

Kunle Oluremi is ecstatic!
Who would blame him? The
23-year-old dude is now a
millionaire after winning the
Gulder Ultimate 7 Show.

On Thursday afternoon, the
Omo Forest, Ogun State,
venue of the show witnessed
the battle among the three
finalists: Adeleke, Atiku and
Kunle, to determine who
would win the 2010 edition
of the GUS, where 12
contestants started the
search for the Ultimate Hero.

The contest started after the
anchorman, Bob-Manuel
Udokwu, explained that the
final tasks to determine the
champion would be in phases.
While the pendulum swings
from one contestant to the
other among the three
finalists, Kunle, however,
had the last laugh.

” Am I the Ultimate Hero? Am
I dreaming? Ah! Ah! I am the
last man standing, ” were all
Kunle could scream, having
realised that he had beaten
two others to pick the N7m
and a brand new Sports
Utility Van among other
freebies as the first prize of
the GUS 7.

After unhooking his bundled
plates and constructing his
boxes, the winner ran wildly
to the beam; took his
machete, set his three boxes,
climbed over the boxes, cut
the rope that tied the bridge
to the beam; ran across it
like a wild cat and picked the

Kunle jumped inside the
champion spot and hoisted
the pole with the champion‘s
flag. Kunle‘s countenance
changed as he just couldn‘t
believe he was the first to
make it.

Fire razes new Benin market

Goods and properties worth
millions of naira were
yesterday destroyed in a fire
which gutted parts of the
popular New Benin Market,
Benin City. The cause was
unknown as at the time of
this report.

More than 50 shops stocked
with household and food
items, which stretched from
Eki-Edo Street were affected
by the inferno, with about 10
shops burnt beyond
recognition by the time the
fire service got to the scene.
At the scene, men of the
Supply and Transport Unit of
Nigerian Army were seen
putting out the flames, which
still emanated from some of
the goods.

Traders whose shops were
affected by the inferno
wailed uncontrollably as
they moved to salvage what
was left of their means of
livelihood, and youth from
the community joined the
soldiers to put out the fire in
some of the shops not badly

One of the traders, Ignatus
Nnabuefe, who deals in
baking materials, told
journalists that he was at his
shop in the morning to drop
some goods he just bought,
after which he decided to go
home after the compulsory
morning's sanitation
exercise in the market, only
to be called back minutes
later that his shop was on

"And by the time I came here,
everything I owned was gone;
I was not able to retrieve
anything from the fire, not
even the goods I bought new
this very morning to sell and
which is very painful because
I just dropped them there,"
lamented Mr. Nnabuefe.

Another trader who spoke
amidst tears, Tochukwu
Abieke, said her family lost
everything they had laboured
for, as they lost all the goods
in their three shops which
belonged to her, her mother,
Lois, and her father, Patrick.

Omoregieva Gbajumo, the
Oredo local government
chairman, who was at the
scene of the fire incident,
praised the efforts of the
community youth and traders
who used their combined
efforts in putting out the
fire, thereby preventing it
from spreading to other
parts of the market.

Mr. Gbajumo promised that
government will investigate
the cause of the fire and also
assured the traders who lost
their goods of possible

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nigerian teenager shot dead in UK by some masked men.

Adelagun, was shot in the
upper left chest. He was
pronounced dead at the scene
in Chesterton Road, Plaistow.
Police also found a boy of 15
who was shot in the abdomen.
He is still in hospital in a
stable condition.

Police say the shooting took
place in parkland at the
junction of upper road when
two gunmen appeared behind
the four teenagers and began
firing. The group aged 15 and
16 were attacked from
behind by the gunmen at
around 3.20am.

All four youngsters ran away
and then re-grouped in the
area and sought help from a
local resident where Samuel
was shot in the upper left
chest, while the 15-year-old
was blasted in the abdomen.

The only description of the
gunmen is that they were
dressed in black and wearing
balaclavas. It is not known if
they travelled in a vehicle or
were on foot.
Detectives from the Met's
Trident unit, which tackles
gun related crime within the
black community, are
investigating the death.

Annie Smith, 77, of Howards
Road, backing on to the
parkland, said: "I heard two
males shouting then I went
back to sleep. Then I heard
three or four bangs. I thought
it could be fireworks but it
may have been shots. I then
heard somebody shouting and
someone answer faintly.
They are just kids, why were
they out so late?"
Floral tributes, including
seven bunches of white roses,
were laid at the foot of the
police cordon taping off the

No arrest has been made,
according to the London
Metropolitan Police.
A post-mortem examination
was carried out on Samuel
Adelagun at Walthamstow
mortuary, police said.

Denrele denies being Charley Boy's gay lover

Area Fada, Charley Boy, has
been associated with a lot of
negative - and positive -
things, but never before has
he been called a homosexual.
That is up until now.

A romantic picture of Charley
Boy kissing Denrele has been
circulating on the Internet
for a while, and it has made
many believe that both of
them are involved in a sexual
But Denrele told Life and
Beat that he didn't owe
anybody any explanation.

"If not that I know you, I
would have told you I don't
owe you any explanation. I
just think that some people
are out to tarnish my image.
Call it Photoshop, call it
publicity stunt or whatever
the picture is, people just
want to tarnish my image."

But to those who he feels are
out to tarnish his image,
Denrele said, "I'm not
bothered in anyway. They are
just making me popular. The
story is not affecting me in
anyway. I have been
receiving calls from all over
the world about this same
picture. I'm not gay, but I
don't think I owe anybody any

Charley Boy's phone was
unreachable when Life and
Beat tried to contact him.

Agency arrests serial cocaine smuggler

Ejiro Henry, a 19-year old
cocaine trafficker, currently
standing trial for his
involvement in the illicit
trade, has been arrested
again for peddling hard

Mr Henry, who was
apprehended the second time
on his way to Port Harcourt,
Rivers State, at the Murtala
Muhammed Airport 2, was
found with 167 wraps of
powdery material that the
Nigerian Drug Law
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
confirmed as cocaine,
weighing 2.45kg. “The
suspect was first arrested on
May 25, for allegedly
ingesting 73 wraps of
substances that tested
positive to cocaine weighing
1.285kg during screening of
Alitalia passengers to Italy,”
said Mitchell Ofoyeju,
spokesperson for the agency.

He also added that the
suspect was subsequently
charged to court and granted
bail on September 6.
According to him, the agency
confiscated the international
passport of the smuggler at
the time and documented his
Italian resident permit for
safe keeping.

Mr Ofoyeju explained that
the cocaine was found in a
polythene bag inside the
suspect ’s luggage, adding
that he was equally in
possession of a valid Air
France ticket, with which he
intends to “immediately”
travel to Italy the same day.
“ Also in his possession was
another international
passport, as well as an
Italian resident permit, as
the travel document
recovered from him in May is
still in the custody of the
agency,” he said.

The suspect, in a statement
from the anti-narcotics
agency, blamed his
involvement in illicit trade
this time on the devil, as he
explained that his first
attempt was as a result of his
financial difficulties. “I
actually needed money to
settle my bills when I was
first arrested but I cannot
explain this one; I think it is
the devil, ” he said.

Blame the courts
Ahmadu Giade, the Chief
Executive of NDLEA, said that
the granting of bail to
accused persons allow
smugglers to go back into the
criminal trade. According to
him, the next bail trial date
for the first charge against
the suspect is to come up on
November 4, 2010. “Bail
encourages long
adjournment, thereby
prolonging litigation
period, ” he said. “It also
provides a leeway for
accused persons to go back
into the illegal trade. When
they are in detained in prison
custody, cases are decided
within a short time because
they are usually agitated for
their cases to be fast
tracked. ”

Hamza Umar, the Lagos
airport commander for the
agency, however, commended
officials of Federal Airport
Authority for detecting the
drug and reporting it to the
NDLEA, describing the
collaboration as healthy for
effective security and safety
in the country. According to
Mr Ofoyeju, preliminary
investigations revealed that
the accused was adequately
prepared for the crime, as
the current passport found
with him was issued in March
before his first arrest. “The
new resident permit also
suggests that the accused has
established contacts in Italy
and he will soon be charged
to court in connection with
the latest arrest while he
will be appearing from
NDLEA custody in the on-
going trial, ” he said.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Its not another movie script
or a line from Beyonce new
album. Its real and the news
that is taking over the world
of entertainment is that
Beyonce is already carryng
carrying a baby for Jayz. The
two mega stars got married
in 2008. Ever since they
started dating, they have
been in the watchful eyes of
the celebrity magazines and

This not the first time that
the story would flying
around about Beyonce getting
pregnant but this time
everything appears too real
to be disputed according to
people close to the couples.

In a US WEEKLY report, it was
not as if the new baby was
planned but all the same
sources confirm that they are
both happy.

Beyonce sister was quoted to
have said that she has a
beauty heart and she would
be a great mother.

Already, there is a poll going
on for people to guess if
Beyonce bundle of joy would
be a male or female.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

UTI Nwachukwu wins Big Brother Africa 5 (Cash Prize: $200,000)

After battling it out for a
gruelling 91 days, Nigeria's
own, Uti Nwachukwu has
become Big Brother Africa's
newest millionaire!

After fighting off stiff
competition from
Zimbabwe's Munya
Chidzonga, Uti was
announced the winner of a
cool USD 200 000. There was
palpable tension as soon as
host IK was beamed onto the
House screens to make the
announcement. Both Uti and
Munya, who had earlier
professed how nervous they
were, sat on the couch, their
cigarettes in hand.

Uti stared into one spot
while Munya bowed his head
and held Uti's hand. Munya
stared at the ceiling in
disbelief for more than two
minutes. He held his heads in
his head and looked like he
was holding back a bucket of
tears. As soon as Uti found
out he had won, he jumped
onto the couch and sang his
national anthem.
Munya walked out slowly not
believing what had happened.

When interviewed, Munya
mentioned how he wanted to
make it further than he did
last time. He saluted and did
the Diamond Boy sign. As soon
as he saw his family, he fell
into his mothers arms and
burst into tears.

The race was the tightest the
game has ever seen with Uti
getting voted from 8
countries to Munya's seven!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

P-Square’s dad visits sons in Lagos for the first time •‘He apologized for not supporting our musical career’

For the first time in 20 years,
the father of the popular
singing duo, Peter and Paul
Okoye, popularly known as P-
Square, has visited his
superstar sons in Lagos last
week Tuesday to felicitate
with them in their new
mansion at the Omole, Ogba

The man, who came with his
wife and mother of his six
children from Jos was
pleasantly surprised to see
how far his sons have come.
He was said to be skeptical
initially towards the choice
of musical career of his twin
sons, P-Squar

Though he visited Lagos
about 20 years ago, he has
never been to Lagos since his
sons disobeyed him and
relocated to Lagos in 2005 to
pursue their dreams.
Mr. Okoye was skeptical at
the choice of musical career
of his four sons, Jude, Tony,
Peter and Paul while in the
university. Jude was in
UNIJOS, Tony was in
University of Maiduguri,
while Peter and Paul were in
Jude initially started as a
musician; he even went on to
wax two albums while Tony
was the dancer among the
brothers. It was he who
taught P-Square how to
dance, while Peter and Paul
were dancing and singing.

Their dad stopped paying
their school fees and warned
them sternly not to call home
for any assistance if they
relocated to Lagos for music.
‘It was tough initially, but
we knew this is what we
wanted then, so we decided
to move on’, Peter said. Did
their father not feel bad
after they started enjoying
initial success? ‘Our dad
apologized to us years ago
when we were still at Jude’s
house in Maryland. He called
and told us that he was
uncomfortable that four of
his sons left home without
asking after him. Then, we
weren’t even that
successful. He called us to
say he was sorry. He wanted
the best for us then, but we
also knew what we wanted’,
he said.

P-Square is a pop duo of twin
brothers Peter and Paul and
unarguably one of the most
success music brands out of
Africa. The group recently
won KORA’s Africa Musician
of the Year Award and the
coveted N1 million-prize
money. The group was
recently signed on as
Glocacom ambassadors in a
deal that was reportedly
worth of N200 million. With
hit tracks like Ifunnaya, Busy
Body, E no easy, Danger,
Game Over, P-Square is
definitely a top brand out of

Friday, October 15, 2010


Princess Adekoya storms Omo forest in Ogun stae, where Ultimate Heroes and Heroines are, in this year's Gulder Ultimate Search 7.

Indeed she's PRETTYYYYY.....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why I allowed dad to impregnate me –16- year-old girl

A 16-year-old girl, who was
allegedly impregnated by her
father, has narrated how the
randy man administered oath
of secrecy on her before he
deflowered her. She also
narrated how the suspect,
Sunday Olanrele, used
payment of her school fees as
a bait to turn her to a sex

She said: “I thought he was a
good father. He gave me
kolanut to eat and said I
would die,if I revealed the
secret. So, he started kissing,
and caressing me and later
deflowered me. When blood
started gushing out from my
private part, he used
pampers to cover it. I did not
tell anyone because of fear. ”
The victim, Bola (not real
name) disclosed how her
mother told her to go and
bring her school fees from
her estranged husband,
before he took advantage of
it to have canal knowledge of
her. “When I went there, my
daddy started doing it again.

He kept promising to give me
the school fees. I ended up
staying with him for many
months and he was making
love to me severally. ”
The last straw that broke the
camel ’s back was when she
spent seven days with her
father five months ago.
“ He slept with me all
through and when I got home,
I wanted to tell my mother
but I was scared. So, I kept
quiet, ” she broke down in
tears. The embattled girl
also disclosed how her
parents were estranged
while her mother re-married,
attributing it to her present

According to her, their
mother did not visit them for
five years, while she
(victim) was denied the
opportunity of visiting her.
It was when she wanted to
commit suicide by drinking
battery fluid that one of her
aunties took her and her
younger brother to Ikorodu,
Lagos State. It was also from
Ikorodu that she went to her
father’s house. “While I was
in my father’s house, he
brought out a calabash and
kolanut and told me to swear
an oath that I would not
divulge what he was about to
do with me. ”

She explained that when her
monthly menstrual circle
ceased, she did not bother to
disclose it to anybody. But
her mother was said to have
got information about the
pregnancy and took her to a
pastor, where she spilled the
beans. The pastor was said to
have given her assurance
that she would not die, if she
disclosed what transpired
between her and her father.
“I told him that my father
was responsible for the
pregnancy, ” she said.
The victim’s mother (names
withheld) told Daily Sun she
suspected a foulplay
immediately her daughter
came back from her father ’s
house. “I started perceiving
offensive odour and asked
her if she visited someone
else, apart from her father
and she said no. I called the
father on phone and inquired
the time she left his house
and he told me. I reasoned
that if she had gone to
another person ’s house, she
wouldn’t have got home the
time she did. From there, I
knew something was wrong,”
she said, fuming.

The woman disclosed that
she later brought a magazine
and showed her a story of
where a father impregnated
his daughter.
“She was devastated after
reading the story. That was
when I knew that the father
had done something
abominable. ”

Few weeks later, the girl
started showing pregnancy
symptoms. “I took her to the
hospital for pregnancy test
and it indicated that she was
four months pregnant. I
requested to know who was
responsible and she refused
to tell me, ” she said.
That was when she took her
to the pastor where she
opened up. The angry mother
said she was now faced with
the shame associated with
the stigma on the family.

“I’m confused, I am ashamed
of the stigma. The pregnancy
is over five months now. So,
abortion is out of it. I ’m in a
dilemma now. I can’t procure
abortion of five months old
foetus, ” she lamented.

The suspect, who admitted
committing the crime, said he
didn ’t know what came over
him that made him to
deflower his daughter.
“I think, it is the devil’s plan
to destroy me. I know it is an
abominable act. I ’m sorry, I
regret my action. Nigeria
police and my estranged wife
should forgive me, ” he said.

Tanker crushes 10 vehicles in Abeokuta

Tragedy was averted in
Abeokuta, Ogun State,
yesterday when a tanker
loaded with fuel crushed 10
vehicles in a row, after the
driver lost of control of the

Investigations at the
scene of the accident, in
Ijaiye area of the town,
revealed that the problem
started at about 10am when
the tanker driver was
manoeuvring his way into the
Oando Petrol Station to off-
load his cargo.
As the driver was about
driving into the station,
located in a hilly area, the
truck suddenly developed a
brake failure, causing the
vehicle to descended to the
major and busy Ijaiye Road.
The driver began shouting on
top of his voice to intimate
residents, passersby and
motorists about the looming

As they heard him, people ran
helter-skelter for safety and
motorists immediately ran
out of their various vehicles.
Several of these vehicles
were crushed by the tanker,
but no life was lost.
As at the time of visiting the
scene, the driver of the
tanker was said to have taken
to his heels, apparently to
avoid any possible attack by
owners of the destroyed

Taiwo Samson, the head of
the state road transport
management agency, the
Rescue, Traffic Compliance
and Enforcement Corp
(TRACE), who led his team to
the scene, said the team
immediately contacted the
State Fire Services.
“We got a telephone call and
had to race down here,” he
said “It was on getting here
we discovered the havoc the
truck had caused. But luckily
for all, nobody was killed in
the accident.” At the scene,
staff of the fire services
were on standby to prevent
any outbreak of fire, while
the road was also blocked.

Rasheed Sowole, a
transporter in the area, said
the incident showed the need
by the government to
discourage people from
parking vehicles they intend
to sell, on roadsides.
He said such vehicles
contributed to the confusion
of the truck driver, who was
trying to avoid them before
he lost control of the truck.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

D U R U E K E 4 A L L: Nigeria makes historic medal haul at Commonwealth Games

D U R U E K E 4 A L L: Nigeria makes historic medal haul at Commonwealth Games

Nigeria makes historic medal haul at Commonwealth Games

Three Nigerians, on Tuesday,
at the ongoing
Commonwealth Games in New
Delhi, made a historic medal
haul, clinching the gold,
silver and bronze medals in
the female event of Power

The trio of Esther Onyema,
Ganiyatu Onaolapo and
Osamwenyobor Arasomwan
secured victory in the
event's Open Press women's
final. Onyema claimed gold
with a total of 148.1 kg;
Onaolapo won silver with
139.3kg and Arasomwan
clinched bronze with 124.6kg.

The medals have now
increased the country's
medals to 11 gold, 10 silver
and 13 bronze, bringing the
total to 34. It is Nigeria's
first medal sweep across any
Commonwealth Games sport,
and took its overall
weightlifting medal tally in
Delhi to 11.

In the Open category, the
results are calculated by
using a formula that creates
a ratio between the actual
weight lifted and
bodyweight of the athlete.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Osayomi stripped of Commonwealth gold + Samuel Okon fails Dopping test......nawa ooo.

Nigeria’s Oludamola
Osayomi was on Tuesday
stripped of the women’s 100
metres Commonwealth
Games gold medal after her B
sample confirmed a positive
test for a banned stimulant.

“The Federation Court
determined that Ms
Oludamola had committed an
anti-doping rule violation
and that she be disqualified
from the Games and all her
competition results at the
2010 Commonwealth Games
be nullified,” the
Commonwealth Games
Federation said in a
statement yesterday.
The Federations also said her
compatriot, Samuel Okon, a
110 metres hurdler who also
tested positive for
Methylhexaneamine, waived
his right to have his B Sample
tested and has also been

Osayomi was awarded the
100 metres gold in
controversial circumstances
when Australia’s Sally
Pearson was disqualified for
a false start.
Pearson’s disqualification
was announced three hours
after she had crossed the
finish line.

Natasha Mayers, who
finished third in the race to
take St Vincent and the
Grenadines’ first athletics
medal, will now be awarded
the gold medal.
Mayers, had in 2005, tested
positive for the male sex
hormone testosterone and
went on to serve a two-year
doping ban.
Fourth-place finisher,
Katherine Endacott of
England will get the silver
medal while Cameroon’s
Bertille Delphine Atangana,
who finished in fifth place,
will be awarded the bronze

Sold as a nasal decongestant,
methylhexaneamine is said to
increase alertness and delay
fatigue and has been
marketed as a dietary
supplement and party pill.
It was placed on the World
Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
banned list at the start of
2010 but has been
downgraded in 2011 to a
“specified stimulant” for
those substances that are
more susceptible to
inadvertent use.

Osayomi blamed a toothache
remedy for the failed test
although Commonwealth
Games Federation chief Mike
Fennell earlier suggested
nutritional supplements
might be to blame.
However, regardless of what
may have given rise to the
outcome of the dope tests
involving the Nigerian duo of
Osayomi and Okon, the
general consensus among
athletics fans in Nigeria is
that athletes should stay
away from drugs.
“We can only keep educating
athletes to stay away from
drugs,” former Athletics
Federation of Nigeria boss
Oluyomi Adeyemi-Wilson told
D U R U E K E 4 A L L. “That’s all we can
keep doing to forestall a
future recurrence because it
is very disturbing anytime
any of our athletes gets
disqualified for doping”
Athletics coach Paul
Obodoechina, the trainer of
Nigerian sprinter Ogho-
Ogene Egwero, is saddened
by Osayomi’s

“It’s quite unfortunate that
she has been stripped of her
medal all because she was
trying to seek a remedy to a
tooth ache,” he said. “But
the lesson here for others is
to stay away from drugs.
“The Australian (Pearson)
was disqualified and
everyone in Nigeria rejoiced
at the decision. Now that our
girl has been stripped of her
medal I wonder how the
Australian will react.”

Obodoechina was spot-on
regarding how the entire
country rejoiced at the news
that Osayomi had been
awarded the gold medal
following the
disqualification of the Australian.
The Australian Associated
Press however reports that
Pearson has ridiculed
Osayomi by saying that the
Nigerian’s drug test is “a

“It’s just a joke you know,”
said Pearson. “I don’t know
how you can accept a medal
knowing what you’ve done to
yourself. But I’m happy I’m
out here running drug free,”
she was quoted as saying by
the Australian Associated

Oke leaps to gold
It wasn’t all gloom for
Nigerian athletics on
Tuesday as Tosin Oke won the
men’s triple jump event.
Oke, who used to jump for
Britain, beat the field with a
leap of 17.16 metres to claim
gold. He narrowly beat
Cameroon’s Lucien Schlick,
who claimed silver with a
leap of 17.14 metres.

Woman Killed Her Husband Over N70

A young woman, Omolayo
Rasheed, 18 years who
allegedly killed her husband,
Afeez Rasheed, over the N70
(less than half a dollar)
daily food allowance, has
been arraigned before the
Iyaganku Magistrate ’s Court
in Ibadan, Oyo State, charged
with murder.

In charge sheet number
MI/1343C/2010, the police
alleged that Omolayo
stabbed her husband to
death with a sharp knife.
The charge against her reads:
“ That you, Omolayo Rasheed
(F) on 7 October, 2010 at
about 2:05pm at Oloola
Compound, Oja-Igbo area,
Ibadan, in the Ibadan
Magisterial District stabbed
Afeez Rasheed (M), 22, to
death with a sharp knife and
thereby committed an
offence contrary to and
punishable under Section
306, Cap. 30, Vol. 11, Laws of
Oyo State, 2000. ”

The prosecutor, Inspector
Oluyemi Eyiaromi, informed
the court that the accused
was arrested after the

The presiding magistrate,
Mrs. K. Y. Durosaro ordered
that the accused be
remanded at the Agodi
Prison, pending the
determination of her bail on
the next adjourned date, 25
October, 2010

Teenager jailed for stealing handset

An apprentice tailor, Kabiru
Yusuf of Agbo Oba area,
Ilorin, was on Monday
sentenced to two months
imprisonment for stealing a

The News Agency of Nigeria
reports that the convict, 19,
prior to his conviction, had
pleaded guilty to the

In view of his admission of
guilt, the prosecuting police
officer, Jimoh Kareem,
prayed the court to give the
accused 'summary trial',
which was upheld.
Magistrate Abdullahi Bello
sentenced the accused to two
months in prison with an
option of N500 fine.

The convict had on September
28 stolen a Nokia handset
valued N3,500 belonging to
one Edungbola Adeniyi.
The convict stole the handset
from the dashboard of Mr
Adeniyi's car, which the
latter had parked on Coca-
Cola Road, Ilorin.

Suspected Boko Haram members attack police station

Suspected members of the
Boko Haram sect on Monday
night attacked the Gamboru
Police Station in Borno State
capital, Maiduguri, leaving
four policemen injured.
The attack is coming amid
reports accusing the sect of
serial killings in Borno State.

A police officer in Maiduguri,
who spoke on condition of
anonymity, told the News
Agency of Nigeria that the
assailants used locally made
explosives in the raid.

``They started by launching
explosives at the station's
Charge Room before firing
shots at the officers on
duty,'' he said.
The source said two police
officers were injured by the
explosives, while another
two were hit by bullets fired
by the attackers.

He said the four officers had
been admitted at the
University of Maiduguri
Teaching Hospital for
medical attention.
Ibrahim Abdu, the
Commissioner of Police in
the state, confirmed the
attack, but declined to give
"The Assistant Inspector-
General of Police is in town;
he will brief you later,'' Mr
Abdu said.

In July 2009, members of the
sect, which is opposed to
Western education and wants
Shariah law enforced,
attacked a police station in
the state capital. During that
attack, five of them were
killed by soldiers deployed
to counter the insurgence,
while hundreds of others
were arrested and detained
in the Bauchi Prison.

The sect members carried out
a reprisal attack in
September 2010, during
which they torched the
prison, and killed a soldier, a
policeman, two prison
warders, and a civilian. They
also freed more than 750
inmates, most of whom were
their detained colleagues.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Russia Set To Launch First Ever Space Hotel

Russian entrepreneur and
chief executive of Orbit
Technologies Sergei
Kostenko announced plans to
operate the first ever space
hotel. Kostenko has told
Russian news that the space
hotel will be far more
comfortable than the
International Space Station,
It will accommodate seven
visitors in four cabins … All
under the price tag of more
than $100 billion dollars.

Sergei Kostenko described
the “comercial space
station” as “the worlds
first commercially available
human spaceflight
platform ” and for use by
“private citizens,
professional crews and
corporate researchers
conducting scientific
programmes ”. The orbiting
capsule is set to launch
around 2016.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Annie Macaulay and Pero Adeniyi In Show Of Shame At Tuface ’s Concert.

Source at the Tuface’s
concert that took place at
the New Expo Hall at Eko
Hotels inform two of
2face ’s mistresses almost
tanted the success of 2face
Live in concert and it took
the timely intervention of
some individuals at the VIP
section of the concert ’s
after party held at Rehab
Nite Club, to avert a cat
fight that nearly ensued
between Anne Macaulay and
Pero Adeniyi.

Source told D U R U E K E 4 A L L News that
trouble started when Anne,
who came to the concert with
her mom and daughter, Eno
Idibia, went backstage to see
2face, not knowing that Pero,
mom of two of 2face’s other
kids, was also right there
with 2face in the VIP section
of the club.. Immediately
Pero sighted Anne, she made
attempt to bar the actress
from coming in. However, it
was said that Anne forced
her way in and shortly a
shouting match and muck
raking ensued.

The source said Pero threw
caution to the wind and
started hollering in Yoruba:
Ma she girl yi le ’se; E
fimisile ki n deal pelu girl yi.
(I will beat this girl; Leave
me let me deal with this
girl). But Sound Sultan, who
was beside 2Face, eventually
saved the day as he stopped
her from physically
attacking Anne.

However, another of 2Face’s
girlfriend, Sumbo Ajamba,
also at the concert and after
party was said to have
maintained her cool as the
ladies tore at each other.

The star has five children
from three women and he
said he will not abandon the
kids no matter what. The
three women were at the
concert jostling for his
attention which resulted in
the shouting match between
two of the ladies.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Former Chief Executive of Oceanic Bank, Mrs. Cecilia Ibru, has been sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by a Federal High Court sitting in Lagos...

18 months imprisonment by a
Federal High Court sitting in

Mrs. Ibru had earlier pleaded
guilty to a three-count
charge of granting reckless
loans, and not making sure
that the balance of the bank
represents its true financial
state in reports sent to the
Central Bank of Nigeria

The sentence will however
run concurrently, meaning
she will be spending only six
months behind bars.
In addition she is to forfeit
assets worth 191 billion
Naira comprising property in
the US, Dubai and Nigeria,
and shares in over 100 firms,
both listed and unlisted.

The Judge also ruled that she
is to return to Reddinghton
Hospital in Lagos where she
is receiving treatment for a
chronic cardiac ailment
Her conviction is coming
after she changed her plea of
not guilty to a 25 count
charge, to guilty following an
agreement reached with the
Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission [EFCC]
to forfeit part of her assets
in exchange for a lighter

Mrs Ibru and four other bank
chief executives were fired
by CBN last year for granting
reckless loans, allowing
margin lending exposure to
get out of hand and failing to
declare the true state of the

After recapitalising the
banks, the CBN went ahead to
appoint new CEO�s to run
the banks.

The conclusion of Mrs Ibru�s
case now leaves four other
CEO�s who are currently
facing trial.

They are Mr Erastus
Akingbola of Intercontinental
Bank, Okey Nwosu of Finbank,
Sebastian Adigwe of Afribank
and Batholomew Ebong Of
Union Bank.

Nigeria ban provisionally lifted by FIFA

FIFA has temporarily lifted
Nigeria's suspension from
international football,
allowing the Nations Cup
qualifier against Guinea to
be played Sunday.

Nigeria Football Federation
(NFF) official Musa Amadu
told newsmen that the match
will go ahead following
FIFA's "magnanimous"
The match was originally
postponed indefinitely after
FIFA imposed the suspension
on Monday.

FIFA had said that the NFF's
independence was
compromised by government
interference, prompting
legal action by the National
Association of Nigerian

FIFA lifted the suspension
until October 26 after a court
hearing where the players
have promised to drop their

Three male suspected kidnappers have been arrested by the Lagos State Police Command.

Obiora Ifeanyi 29, Peter
Emmanuel, 28, and Stephen
Eze, 24 were arrested on
September 29th at Satellite
Town for allegedly
kidnapping an auto dealer,
Hyacinth Duru. The Deputy
Spokesperson for the police,
Adesanya Jinadu, said the
combined efforts of the
officers of the command led
to the arrest of the suspects.

“On the 29th of September,
one Mrs Edith Duru brought a
petition to the police that her
husband, Mr Hyacinth Duru,
has been kidnapped,” he said.

“She said her husband’s
kidnappers were demanding
the sum of N5million as
ransom. The police officers
from the anti-robbery unit at
the state Criminal
Investigation Department
Panti, Yaba, told her to play
along. The suspects told her
to drop the ransom at Alakija
Bus Stop, but unknown to
them, the police officers who
had laid surveillance in the
area swooped on one Stephen
Eze who picked up the bag
containing the money. Eze
was arrested and he led the
officers to St. Paul’s Close,
Satellite Town, where other
members of the syndicate
were holding the victim
hostage. They were promptly
arrested and the victim
rescued alive.”
Mr Jinadu added that when
the officers conducted a
search in the apartment
where the suspects kept the
victim, they found a locally
made pistol, five red candle
sticks, a white blood stained
bowl, a kitchen knife and an
electrical wire allegedly
used to tie up the victim.

The victim, a father of seven,
narrated his ordeal in the
hands the suspects. “I do not
know any one of them, and
that day, they called me on
the phone that I should meet
them at Maza Maza that they
want to buy a luxury bus,” he
said. “We negotiated and
they said I should follow
them to their company to
collect the cheque. It was
when we got to where they
claimed was their company
that they tied my face, they
beat me up and tied my
hands. They collected my
phone and informed my wife
that she should bring
N5million for my ransom. I
was with them for three days
and they did not give me food
or water to drink. I thank the
police for rescuing me from
their hands.”

Mr Ifeanyi, who allegedly
masterminded the kidnap,
said he abducted the victim
to collect an outstanding
debt. “Mr Duru told me that
he wanted to sell a bus,” he
said. “On January 29th, he
told me that if I can get
N500, 000 he will sell the
bus to me. I gave him N340,
000 and after three months I
called him that I have the
remaining balance but he
kept telling me that he was at
Owerri (Imo State). I felt he
was trying to dupe me so I
told him that he should
refund my money that I am
not interested in buying the
bus but he kept dribbling me.
So I have to organise for him
to stay in my house so that
his family will pay me my
Mr Jinadu said the police
were continuing
investigations to unravel the
truth of the matter, and
advised Lagos residents to be
wary of strangers and people
who offer them free rides.

“Residents in the state are
advised to shun free rides
and offers from persons who
they do not know,” he said.
“The timely intervention of
the police led to the arrest of
the suspects. All cases of
kidnapping should be
reported to the police
promptly. The case is under
investigation and the
suspects will be charged to
court soon.”